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Thursday 13 March 2025
  Habitats (4b)

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Habitates : BBC Multimedia Science
Habitates : BBC Multimedia Science
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Animals of the Tropical Rainforest
Animals of the Tropical Rainforest : A webquest
Rainforests provide us with oxygen, help maintain our climate, and give us essential foods and medicines. Rainforests have intense tropical sunlight, high temperatures, and almost constant rainfall. 7% of the world is covered in rainforest. More than 50% of the world's plant and animal species inhabit rainforest areas. Dozens of animal species become extinct every day.
Dudley Zoo would like to expand their rainforest exhibit and need to learn more about animals who live in the rainforest. Your group will be scientists from Dudley Zoo, and will go to one of the large rainforests in South America, Africa, or Southeast Asia. Pick 5 birds, mammals, amphibians, or insects to learn more.
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Creative Calendars
Creative Calendars -
Objective - Students will review information they have learned on an animal or habitat by creating a calendar on the computer using animal or wildlife images from Pics4Learning.
After conducting a specific animal or habitat unit, inform the students that they will be creating a calendar as a culminating project. During independent work time, students can select the images (animals, birds, scenery) they would like for their calendar and decide which image will represent the twelve different calendar months.
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Habitates at 4learning
Every plant or animal has an address - its habitat. The habitat provides all that the plant or animal needs. A frog's address - shady pool, the bottom of the garden - provides shelter, food and some safety.
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