16 Personalities Only takes 10 minutes
Take our Personality Test and get a “freakishly accurate” description of who you are and why you do things the way you do.
In our free type descriptions you’ll learn what really drives, inspires, and worries different personality types, helping you build more meaningful relationships.

Shamblesguru's Live Twitter Stream

Testing EU IQs
Competition between EU countries for the highest national IQ.
A test of innate intelligence - 2D images

IQ and Persoanlity Tests
IQ Tests | Persoanlity Tests | Aptitude Tests | Parenting Tests |

Online Personality Instrument
The Temperament Sorter : Online Personality Instrument
We are the official online provider of the Temperament Sorter II?and related products and services for organizational, career and personal development.
The test will take approximately 20 minutes and you will receive a free report that you can print out. In addition to the brief free report, you will be given the option of purchasing (for $15.00) a full "personalized" report.

I N F P -- Introverted Intuitive Feeling Perceiving
I N F P -- Introverted Intuitive Feeling Perceiving
For INFPs, life is a journey to understand themselves and the world. Where some others may strive for achievements such as degrees and promotions, an INFP tends to consider these as important mainly for their value in making it easier to fulfill the INFP's life goals.

Temperament Sorter : Personality Instrument
Temperament Sorter : Personality Instrument
The Temperament Sorter is a PhD designed assessment tool created to uncover a person's innate tendencies, preferences, and motivations to arrive at an integrated view of their personality. Upon taking the Sorter, AdvisorTeam creates two in-depth, personalized reports, the Classic Temperament Report?and the Career Temperament Report? Both are geared to delve into specific perspectives on temperament.

Personality and IQ Tests
Includes body fat and stress tests with automatic feedback.

Virtual Plethora of Tests
Lots of tests for lots of things
Psychology Tests | College Admission Exam Preparation Tests | Having Fun With Your Brain | Emotional and Mental Health Tests | Knowledge Tests | Intelligence Tests | IQ Tests | Personality Tests |

The Riso-Hudson Enneagram Test
Test to help you determine your Enneagram personality type ... reformer/helper/motivator/individualist/investigator/loyalist/enthusiat/leader or peacemaker.

Keirsey Temperament Sorter

Body-Mind QueenDom
For test junkies .. by "Cyberia Shrink" .. the ultimate online personality test site (maybe)

Self Discovery Workshop (IQ test?)

What makes us what we are?
