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  General Psychology

Psychology AS and A2 Level Revision at Loopa Psychology
AS and A2 psychology revision resources for the AQA A specification.
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Psychology 101
Psychology 101
This text is designed to give you a general idea of what psychology is, how information is developed, what we have learned about ourselves, and how psychology is applied to help improve people’s lives. The chapters are organized so that you can get a better idea of how psychology works; from basic theories and principles, through research, understanding and explaining results, to the actual application of psychological techniques.
This text is not designed to make you a psychologist. It is written in a general format so that you can gain a better idea of all of the major concepts in psychology. If you were to major in psychology as an undergraduate, each chapter would be a separate course. And, to get your doctorate, which is required to be called a psychologist in most states, you would take an additional five to seven years further studying the concepts in this text.
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Psychological experiments (videos)
Streaming videos with different psychological experiments and more.
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Psychology Degrees and Resources Online
Psychology Degrees and Resources Online
AcademicInfo is an online education resource center with extensive subject guides and distance learning information.
Our mission is to provide free, independent and accurate information and resources for prospective and current students (and other researchers).
Psychology is the study of the human mind. Psychologists use their knowledge of how the mind works to predict and guide behavior for the betterment of both individuals and groups.
There are a number of sub-disciplines within psychology including behavioral psychology, clinical psychology and organizational psychology.
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Social Psychology Links by Subtopic
Social Psychology Links by Subtopic
Social psychology is the scientific study of how people think about, influence, and relate to one another.
Listed here are links to social psychology topics such as prejudice and discrimination, gender, culture, social influence, interpersonal relations, group behavior, aggression, and more.
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Dave’s Psych Classes
Dave’s Psych Classes ... lectures, podcasts, powerpoints.
Dr. David R. Brodbeck, Department of Psychology, Algoma University
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Psychology Theories
Psychology Theories
This is the deepest level of information on this site, covering lots of academic theories that are relevant to changing minds. Here's a full alphabetic list and here are theories grouped by type....
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Psychology : AS and A2 Level at S-cool
Psychology : AS and A2 Level at S-cool
Psychological Abnormality | Psychopathology | Social Influence | Biological Rhythms, Sleep and Dreaming | Research Methods | Determinants of Animal Behaviour | Pro- and Anti-Social Behaviour | Treatment | Human Memory | Stress | Attention | Attachments | Essay Writing |
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Better Living With Hypnosis - Self Improvement - Self Help
Hypnosis helps to gain self Improvement, self Help, Have unlimited confidence, motivation, loose weight and stop smoking etc. Steve G. Jones Is The World's Leading Expert In Hypnosis.
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