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Monday 31 March 2025
  Photo: Digital

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7 Timelapse Videos and How They’re Made
7 Timelapse Videos and How They’re Made
These fascinating videos are created by capturing motion with an intentionally lower frame rate than that of video, then playing the footage back at normal video speed.
The technique allows us to trace motion that is normally imperceptible, like stars moving across the sky or melting snow, and view it as an expedited process.
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Canon Hack Development Kit
Canon Hack Development Kit
Turn Your Point-and-Shoot into a Super-Camera
If you're using a consumer grade point-and-shoot Canon digital camera, you've got hardware in hand that can support advanced features way beyond what shipped in the box.
With the help of a free, open source project called CHDK, you can get features like RAW shooting mode, live RGB histograms, motion-detection, time-lapse, and even games on your existing camera. Let's transform your point-and-shoot into a super camera just by adding a little special sauce to its firmware.
Lifehacker Article
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Digital cameras in the classroom
Tutorials to improve use of digital cameras in the classroom
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Original Digital Photography Area on Shambles
Original Digital Photography Area on Shambles
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Digital Camera Device Drivers- The Driver Zone
Digital Camera Device Drivers- The Driver Zone
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UR Photo - Digital Pictures Storage
30 MB free online storage for digital photographs
Users can also edit and print through this website.
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Short Courses in Digital Photography
A guide with how-to sections on the use of digital cameras, including an explanation of what digital photography is all about. Learn what makes a digital camera; compare different types and features; use a table comparing traditional cameras with digital ones; how to digitize or scan existing photographs; computer storage; various forms of graphic file formats; what is needed for the digital "darkroom"; photo-editing software; printers; printing on the Web; and much more. Additionally, there is a discussion forum and an online course for this new and developing form of photography
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The Education Project Asia
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niXtech Solutions is The Boutique Data Center offering dedicated IT facilities along with cloud based computing with a full array of appliances and services. Located near Copenhagen, Denmark, with secure infrastructure, state-of-the-art equipment, privately financed, debt free.

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