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Saturday 29 March 2025
  Music Online (web2.0)

Best-Selling Music Artists 1969 - 2019
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Shamblesguru's Live Twitter Stream
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Shamblesguru 'Music Mashups' Video List on Youtube
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Shazam .. get music web 2.0 style .. collaborate, share, buy ... and have it playing on all yopur mobile devices.
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SoundCloud is a platform that puts your sound at the heart of communities, websites and even apps. Watch conversations, connections and social experiences happen, with your sound as the spark.
The SoundCloud waveform not only makes sound look good, it makes it social. Record on the fly or upload something you made before and see how the shape of your sound starts a conversation.
Your sounds are free to go anywhere on the web with SoundCloud. Share privately to your family, publish to social networks or embed your sounds on your site.
In the App Gallery you’ll find over 100 apps for desktop, web and mobile all built to amplify your SoundCloud experience. Create, capture, share and interact with sounds in brand new ways.
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YouTube Video Music Channel
YouTube Video Music Channel
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4 Ways To Find Out The Name Of That Elusive Song
4 Ways To Find Out The Name Of That Elusive Song
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HOW TO: Create Free Music Playlists Online
HOW TO: Create Free Music Playlists Online
Sharing music can be as much fun as listening to it. There are a large number of legal services online that allow you to share songs with friends, but some require paid accounts and software downloads, while others suffer from restricted geographic availability.
So, in the spirit of mixtapes from years gone by here we’ve hand-picked and tested three personalized streaming music services that will let you easily create a playlist online and, better still, share it with friends, wherever in the world they might be.
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MelodyCatcher makes it easy to enter a melody (even if you don't know how to play the piano) and search for it on the Internet.
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Playlist.com is an information location tool similar to Google® and Yahoo!® but devoted entirely to the world of music.
Our purpose is to help you find and enjoy music legally throughout the web in the same way that other search engines help you find webpages, images, and other media, but we also add a social /community twist.
We make it easy for you to create playlists, share your playlists with friends, and browse playlists of others.
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10 Ways to Share Music on Twitter
10 Ways to Share Music on Twitter
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HOW TO: Use Social Media for Sharing Music
HOW TO: Use Social Media for Sharing Music
"Social media gives people the opportunity to find, discovery, share, and reinvent music in new and interesting ways.
The following is a step-by-step guide on how to share the audio experience with friends using web-based tools."
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Blip FM ... be your own music DJ
Blip FM ... be your own music DJ
Brilliant way to discover new music recommended by others .... plus you can build your own collection to be shared online across the internet.
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Pandora Versus Last.fm
Pandora Versus Last.fm
Features, Interface, Applications Compared
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midomi is the ultimate music search tool because it is powered by your voice. Sing, hum, or whistle to instantly find your favorite music and connect with a community that shares your musical interests. Give it a try. It's truly amazing!
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50+ Links For Discovering New Music
50+ Links For Discovering New Music
Is your music collection getting a bit stale? Have you run out of places where you can get fresh info about new artists, releases and concert dates? If so, you’re in luck, because we’ve assembled a list of 50 sites which will keep you up to speed with what’s happening in the world of music.
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Musicovery .... visual search engine for music online
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A netlabel, also called online label, web label or MP3 label, distributes its music in digital audio formats (mainly MP3 or Ogg) online. Netlabels often work like traditional record labels to produce and promote music projects (such as albums or compilations).
Most employ guerrilla marketing to promote their work. Few netlabels earn money for participants.
The primary difference between netlabels and record labels is that netlabels emphasize free downloads, as opposed to physical publishing (CD, vinyl or DVD). Often, the music is released under licenses that encourage sharing, such as the Creative Commons Licenses. Artists typically retain the copyright.
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Soundflavor (formerly Siren Systems) is a digital music company that focuses on providing the best music search and recommendation services to both music professionals and music consumers. Our mission is to make it easy for anyone to find music they like, to build playlists without effort, and to rediscover the music they already own.
Our song recommendations are based on more than six years of research, during which we analyzed thousands of songs spanning hundreds of genres, eras, and countries, in an effort to decode the flavor of music.
The Soundflavor Recommendation Engine - provides recommendations of songs that match the musical, lyrical, and cultural aspects of reference songs, playlists, or specific search criteria. The engine personalizes recommendations by considering personal taste, their friends' tastes, and the various ways people use their music.
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Pandora is a music discovery service designed to help you find and enjoy music that you'll love.
It's powered by the Music Genome Project, the most comprehensive analysis of music ever undertaken. Just tell us one of your favorite songs or artists and we'll launch a streaming station to explore that part of the music universe.
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You get your own online music profile that you can fill up with the music you like.
This information is used to create a personal radio station and to find users who are similar to you. Last.fm can even play you new artists and songs you might like.
It's addictive, it's growing, it's free, it's music.
Requires software to be downloaded. The Last.fm desktop player application is required to use the radio buttons throughout the site.
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The Education Project Asia
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niXtech Solutions is The Boutique Data Center offering dedicated IT facilities along with cloud based computing with a full array of appliances and services. Located near Copenhagen, Denmark, with secure infrastructure, state-of-the-art equipment, privately financed, debt free.

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