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Friday 14 March 2025
  Music & ICT

Are computers ruining music?
Are computers ruining music?
Science journalist Alok Jha asks whether computers are ruining music. With the help of music studio engineer Estelle Rubio, Alok hears how his voice sounds auto tuned then meets the man who makes computer programmes that compose music.

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Using iPads to plan a 'Marching Band' show
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Shamblesguru's Live Twitter Stream
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This site was established in order to spread the “word” faster about music, technology, and other related educational topics.
Although many of the topics discussed here will be about music technology and music education, you also find plenty of material that discussing the various forms of electronic technologies that aren’t necessarily related to music as well. From time to time, you may also find COMPLETELY unrelated topics that may be of interest to our readers.
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Technology Institute for Music Educators
Technology Institute for Music Educators
The Technology for Music Education (TI:ME) is a non-profit organization whose mission is to assist music educators in applying technology to improve teaching and learning in music.
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Technology & Music Education-Kyle Pace : #webinar #liveclass20
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Music education and music technology [ScoopIT Curation]
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Music Tech Tips
Music Tech Tips
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Music Tools at Music Theory dot net
Music Tools at Music Theory dot net
Accidental Calculator: Display the correct accidental for a specified note and key.
Interval Calculator: Display the interval for a specified starting note, interval type, and key.
Chord Calculator: Display the chord for a specified starting note, chord type, and key.
Analysis Calculator: Display the chord for a specified analysis symbol and key.
Matrix Calculator: Display the twelve-tone matrix for a specified tone row — for students learning the twelve-tone technique.
Tempo Tapper: Tap the button to display the number of beats per minute.
Staff Paper Generator: Generate and download staff paper.
Pop-up Piano: Open a new window with a piano keyboard.
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Musically and Technically Speaking
credits Musically and Technically Speaking
Where Music Education and Tech Intersect
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Music ICT : Resources from Classroom 2.0 Webinar(60min)
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Sharing iTune at a Glance (in comic form for printing)
sharing itunes on your school network at a glance ... comic format for printing
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Music on Mobiles and iDevices
Music on Mobiles and iDevices ... dedicated area of links and resources on Shambles
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Teaching Music in the 21st Century
Teaching Music in the 21st Century
Thoughts on music education, teaching in general, and using technology from a real life public school teacher who spent some time in The Ivory Tower before finding his way back home.
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Shamblesguru 'Music & ICT' Video Picks on YouTube
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Songsmith, an application that lets you create a complete song just by singing!
Are we going to turn you into an award-winning songwriter overnight? Of course not. But Songsmith will give you a way to create something authentically musical and authentically yours, even if you don’t know the first thing about chords or music theory.
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Voice Band for the iPhone
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5 Superb Social Media Tools for Musicians
5 Superb Social Media Tools for Musicians
As we roll in to 2010, the selection of band-friendly social media tools is growing. Say goodbye to sporadic MySpace updates and incomplete tour information on Facebook. There are now more options for sharing your music with fans and empowering them to share it with others.
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Stanford iPhone Orchestra
Stanford iPhone Orchestra Is Redefining Music’s Limits
While most of society thinks of music in terms of voices, pianos and woodwinds, perhaps the world should get ready for the rise of a new instrument: the iPhone
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WolframTones works by taking simple programs from Wolfram's computational universe, and using music theory and Mathematica algorithms to render them as music.
Each program in effect defines a virtual world, with its own special story--and WolframTones captures it as a musical composition.
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Musicians on Twitter: 100+ Artists That Tweet
Musicians on Twitter: 100+ Artists That Tweet
As the industry changes, so have the methods by which music is promoted.
Traditional marketing is being replaced by artists and bands using social media sites like Twitter to engage fans, promote their work, and connect with others.
The modern web and the future of the music industry seem almost inextricably intertwined in terms of marketing, listening, communicating, and purchasing.
Twitter is one of the many ways for people to instantly and quickly communicate, and artists are taking advantage of its vast potential.
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iPhone Apps to turn the iPhone into a musical instrument ... absolutely amazing
Ocarina : The most startlingly original app is iPhone Ocarina, which turns the phone into an uncanny simulation of the musical instrument beloved of small children.
Zephyr: Throw Your Creativity To The Wind The beauty of Smule’s iPhone applications is the simplicity of interacting with them, and the whimsy they bring out in the user. Zephyr is yet another perfect embodiment of this.
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Technology Review online video documentaries
Technology Review online video documentaries
Composer Tod Machover's work on easy-to-use instruments and software for composing is helping not only musicians but also those with disabilities. (4min 45sec)
From advances in stem-cell research and developments in nanotechnology to potential solutions for global warming, Technology Review brings the impact of emerging technologies to life with an original mini-documentary series. These unique videos allow you to actually see how the technologies work and hear from the innovators who are creating them.
One Laptop per Child | Music-Making For All | Evolutionary Design | Global Warming | Smarter Prosthetics | Stem Cell Research | High-Throughput Drug Discovery | Artificial Muscle | Nanogates | Sociometrics |
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Finale (computer program) for Music
Finale (computer program)
Finale is the flagship program of a series of scorewriters created by MakeMusic! for Microsoft Windows and Mac OS X.
Several less expensive versions of Finale, with subsets of the main program's features, are made. These include Finale NotePad, Finale NotePad Plus, Printmusic!, and Allegro. Two more such versions, Finale Guitar and Finale Songwriter, have feature sets tailored to different musicians' needs.
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vanBasco's Karaoke Player (free)
Free Sing-a-long Karaoke music software : vanBasco's Karaoke Player
vanBasco's Karaoke Player plays MIDI Karaoke files. Lyrics can be displayed in full-screen. You can change and recall tempo, volume, and key of a song, and mute or solo instruments. Best of all: our player is totally ad-free freeware. Download it now!
Additional Language Packs for vanBasco's Karaoke Player are available for
| Catalan | (Simplified) Chinese | Croatian | Dutch | Finnish | French | Hungarian | Polish | Portuguese | Russian | Serbian | Swedish |
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Click MusicalKEYS
Click MusicalKEYS will change your computer into a virtual music lab. With 128 musical instruments, you can play the best music of your choice.
You can also save your favorites in the MIDI file format for free using the MIDI Converter utility.
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GarageBand lets you easily perform, record and create your own music. Whether you?e an experienced or aspiring musician. Or just want to feel ?and sound ?like a rock star. With the new version of GarageBand, you can even record multiple tracks at the same time. Sing as you play the guitar, harmonize with your best singing bud or jam with the band, and GarageBand will record every note. And when your tracks are in place, you can view software instruments in music notation and take advantage of new GarageBand features to enhance the tuning and timing of your recordings.
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Harmonic Vision
Harmonic Vision, Inc. is a leading music education software developer founded in 1991 and located in Chicago, Illinois. Our mission is to apply computer technology to significantly enhance the effectiveness of music education in the home, the school, and the studio.
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ESP Music
ESP specialises in Music Software. Our aim is to make music more accessible using technology as a tool.
Compose World | Rhythm Maker | Music Time Machine | Compose World Junior |
ESP have produced information on how Music can be linked to the QCA Scheme of work for ICT .. which can be downloaded as a pdf file.
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Finale NotePad 2004 FREE notation software
Finale NotePad 2004 is FREE introductory notation software that lets you create, play, print and post your music.
Mac and Windows
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List of music software and websites (word doc)
A list of music software and websites compiled by Jo Kenny JKenny@devon.gov.uk
music | software | key stage | On-line Sequencers |
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Music Editing area on Shambles
Music Editing area on Shambles ... if you are looking for computer software to help with music ... also try this area on Shambles
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Composing with Computers Spring 2003
MIT's OpenCourseWare - Composing with Computers Spring 2003
In this course we will use computers and computer-aided technology as compositional tools, that is, as a means to music-making and an avenue to approach musical and acoustic concepts. Each unit of study will consist of a series of short composition projects using specific types of hardware and software in clearly delineated ways. This will involve (in broad order) live recording and digital editing, digital processing, analog sound synthesis (real and virtual), MIDI sequencing, and building interactive environments. The course will culminate in a large, final composition and a public concert during the last week.
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Audacity is a free audio editor.
Audacity is a free audio editor. You can record sounds, play sounds, import and export WAV, AIFF, and MP3 files, and more. Use it to edit your sounds using Cut, Copy and Paste (with unlimited Undo), mix tracks together, or apply effects to your recordings. It also has a built-in amplitude envelope editor, a customizable spectrogram mode and a frequency analysis window for audio analysis applications. Built-in effects include Bass Boost, Wahwah, and Noise Removal, and it also supports VST plug-in effects.
Audacity is being developed by a team of volunteers under the open-source model.
SOftware versions for Windows | Mac OS 9/X | Linux / Unix |
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Steinberg Education
Steinberg supports education professionals with a special service. We offer a wide range of teaching materials, school projects, an education newsletter and school versions of our software.
We also offer you the knowledge of experienced teachers and academics in the field of music.
Fundamentals | Cubase VST/Cubasis VST | WaveLab/WaveLab LITE | Education Magazine | The complete recording studio | Basic Composing and Arranging | Cubase VST In Music Education | Basic Composing and Arranging | Notation and Scoring | Music and Videos | Computers in music education |
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Sibelius Starclass is the new software to help you teach music at elementary and primary school.
Auralia is the world's most comprehensive ear training program, suitable for students at all levels.
Musition is the complete music theory training and testing software, suitable for students of all ages.
G7 is the ultimate software for writing songs and playing better guitar.
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