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Sunday 16 March 2025
  Maths on Mobile

11 Virtual Tools for the Math Classroom
11 Virtual Tools for the Math Classroom
More and more classrooms are gaining access to technology that can be used with students. Whether you're modeling a lesson, creating stations or working in a one-to-one classroom, virtual tools can promote student engagement while increasing academic success.
Here are some free apps for iPads -- along with a few other tips -- that can transform your daily lessons and are definitely worth checking out.
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Maths learning with an iPad?
So you want to support Maths learning with an iPad?
When thinking about using an iPad to support learning, it is important to remember that the iPad supports learning. It is not going to do the teaching for you. Maths learning is no exception. That said, innovative approaches to using multiple apps can really help with the support of the learning of different elements within the Maths curriculum.
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Innovative Elementary School Math Apps for iPad
Top Innovative Elementary School Math Apps for iPad
When I was growing up “math fun” meant making words with a calculator. Thanks to the iPad, the gamification of math, and some really creative developers, kids today can choose from a number of well-designed apps that dull the pain of learning arithmetic.
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Fluidity iPad Apps
Fluidity iPad Apps
Bring your handwritten math to life with FluidMath
FluidMath is the first handwriting-based educational math app designed for teachers and students in grades 6-12 (middle school and high school) and applicable to pre-algebra through calculus courses.
Reasons for teachers and students to use FluidMath:
* stay in the mathematician's primary workspace: a writing surface
* entering and editing math has never been easier-- just write standard math notation
* get the interactive visualizations and computations you want in less time
* applicable to multiple topics in multiple courses in grades 6 - 12
* highly interactive and engaging!
* researched, developed, and tested in consultation with teachers over 5 years with support from NSF, NIH, and U.S. Dept. of Ed.
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Matching iLessons to Tactile Learning
She detailed how this iLesson played out (and I much app-reciate that not all of the lesson took place on the iPad). While she projected the image of the Matchmatics Lite app below on her own iPad, she provided toothpicks (obviously instead of matchsticks) to the students to recreate the problems at their desks. She went on to tell me, “I think it is important to use these apps in an engaging way. We lose kids if they just watch you solve it.”
Free Matchmatics Lite App
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Kindergarten Math on the iPad…Many Questions…
Kindergarten Math on the iPad…Many Questions…
It all started with a weekly reflection our teachers leave on our school’s closed Professional Development Ning. Mrs. Y, our Kindergarten teacher pondered how her five and six year olds were learning and practicing subtraction:
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Ten Strategies for effective use of iPods in Math Class
Ten Strategies for effective use of iPods in Math Class
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Apps in Primary Mathematics Teaching
10 Practical Ways To Use Apps in Primary Mathematics Teaching - By Mr Williams
With a keen interest in ICT and maths, I have been exploring the ways in which iPad apps (other than the “I can do maths….2+2 etc” type) can enhance pupil progress and motivation. I believe that, when done the right way, gaming can play a huge role in learning.
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Shamblesguru 'Maths on Mobile' Video Picks on Youtube
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Infinite Thinking Machine 2.03 - Math-app-alooza
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8 Free iPad Games For Math Skill [Autism]
8 Free iPad Games For Math Skill Development In Children With Autism
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Maths Apps for Primary School
Maths Apps for Primary School
We talked about what outcomes were important and came up with a cross section of apps that might cater for Counting, Operations and Place Values. Obviously some of these are more appropriate for the younger students but we have looked for ones that will make maths a fun thing to learn about.
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iPad apps for K-5 math
iPad apps for K-5 math
I am looking for iPad apps that go beyond being digital flash cards and calculators. Any suggestions will be appreciated.
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Maths iPad Apps [Blog]
Maths iPad Apps [Blog]
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Pictograph Creator [iPad in browser]
Pictograph Creator ... VERY simple in a browser
... brilliant for when working with a class of young students.
Works on the iPad in a browser
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Wolfram education apps raise teaching dilemma
Wolfram education apps raise teaching dilemma
Wolfram Research, a software company with deep mathematical and scientific expertise, is expanding to the broad education market with a range of mobile apps.But although those apps hold the promise of turning smartphones into sophisticated next-generation calculators, they also raise questions about the best way for students to learn.
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Numeracy Apps
Numeracy Apps
The Apps listed here are Numeracy Apps produced by SUMS Online Ltd of the UK (www.sums.co.uk).
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