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Thursday 13 March 2025
  Maths Videos

Mathtrain.TV is a free, educational "kids teaching kids" project from Mr. Marcos & his Students at Lincoln Middle School in Santa Monica, CA.
Student-Created Videos
Teacher-Created Videos
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TED-Ed Series : Maths in Real LIfe
TED-Ed Series : Maths in Real LIfe
TED-Ed’s commitment to creating lessons worth sharing is an extension of TED’s mission of spreading great ideas. Within the growing TED-Ed video library, you will find carefully curated educational videos, many of which represent collaborations between talented educators and animators nominated through the TED-Ed platform.
This platform also allows users to take any useful educational video, not just TED's, and easily create a customized lesson around the video. Users can distribute the lessons, publicly or privately, and track their impact on the world, a class, or an individual student.
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Shamblesguru 'Maths through Song' YouTube Channel
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Maths Tricks ... YouTube Videos (Search)
Maths Tricks ... YouTube Videos (Search)
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Shamblesguru 'Math Brain Food' Youtube Channel
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Shamblesguru 'Maths (Gen)' Youtube Channel
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Math 20 - Review
Math 20 - Review
Series of 20 videos about Mathematics Concepts.
Videos can be embedded in other websites.
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Math Playground Video Tutorials
Math Playground Video Tutorials
Hi, I'm Colleen King. I created Math Playground in 2002 for students in my class who needed a fun way to practice math facts. Since then, Math Playground has grown to include a wide variety of math topics, from problem solving and mathematical art to real world math.
The primary goals of Math Playground are to help students feel more confident about their math skills and to help them form more positive attitudes toward the subject of math. I try to accomplish these goals by providing engaging games and activities that students find meaningful and fun.
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Fast Math Calculation Tricks
Fast Math Calculation Tricks
Learn how to calculate faster than the speeding calculator
These are all available for sale on a CD ... but many are also available free on their YouTube channel
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Shamblesguru 'Maths Fun' Video List on Youtube
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Math Homework Help
Math Homework Help
On this page, you will find resources to help students master the basics of mathematics of numbers and number operations.
Videos and tutorials explain basic operations and help with the mastery of math skills in addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division--essential building blocks for success in mathematics.
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Math Videos Online
Would you like to learn math by watching easy to understand free math videos online? Then take advantage of this huge collection of free videos, and have fun learning at your own pace! Double click the play button to see a sample video.
Whether you are a student who needs help understanding a lesson, a parent looking for excellent resources, or a teacher in search of activities that can complement your lessons, this website is the right place for you!
After each lesson, you can review important concepts by playing interactive games, taking online quizzes,or printing free worksheets.
Since each math movie can be paused or replayed as necessary, you can learn at your own pace and be in control of your learning process. Simply choose a topic of your interest, sit back and enjoy the ride!
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Main video online area on Shambles
This link goes to the main video online area on Shambles .. all curriculum areas not just Mathematics.
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The Khan Academy
The Khan Academy is a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) with the mission of providing a world-class education to anyone, anywhere.
We are complementing Salman's ever-growing library with user-paced exercises--developed as an open source project--allowing the Khan Academy to become the free classroom for the World.
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