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Friday 14 March 2025
  Maths Polices & Admin

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How Do We Get More Students Interested in Mathematics
How Do We Get More Students Interested in Math, Science & Tech Careers?
Why do students choose to pursue math or science? The answer appears to vary by gender. Forty-nine percent of female STEM students say it was to make a difference, and 61% of male students said that games or toys in their childhoods sparked their interest. For 68% of the female respondents, a teacher or class got them interested in science, math, engineering or technology.
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Blooms Taxonomy for Mathematics
Blooming Mathematics
Digital Tools blog has information on Bloom’s taxonomy, in particular the digital version of the taxonomy which accounts for the new technologies and the processes and actions associated with them.
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Report Urges Changes in Teaching Math (USA)
Report Urges Changes in Teaching Math (USA) 2008
American students’ math achievement is 'at a mediocre level' compared with that of their peers worldwide, according to a new report by a federal panel, which recommended that schools focus on key skills that prepare students to learn algebra.
It offers specific goals for students in different grades. For example, it said that by the end of the third grade, students should be proficient in adding and subtracting whole numbers. Two years later, they should be proficient in multiplying and dividing them. By the end of the sixth grade, the report said, students should have mastered the multiplication and division of fractions and decimals.
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Math Report (USA) 2008
National Mathematics Advisory Panel (USA) FINAL REPORT 2008
... the concerns of national policy relating to mathematics education go far beyond those in our society who will become scientists or engineers. The national workforce of future years will surely have to handle quantitative concepts more fully and more deftly than at present. So will the citizens and policy leaders who deal with the public interest in positions of civic leadership. Sound education in mathematics across the population is a national interest.
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Maths Standards USA
Maths Standards USA
Maths | mathematics |
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USA Individual States Standards for Math
USA Individual States Standards for Math
State educational standards coupled to lesson plans and resources
standards | curriculum | targets | assessment | quality |
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Maths National Standards in the USA
Maths National Standards in the USA
Math | Maths | Mathematics | standards | quality | curriculum |
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