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Friday 14 March 2025

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OER Algebra Course
This course was designed to align with the "Traditional Pathway" as defined and outlined in the Common Core State Standards Appendix A:
These modules are based upon the domains and Common Core State Standards clusters while using the guidance in the CCSS Appendix A. They mirror the domain names and address all the standards within.
The modules contain daily lessons based on the four algebra domains and the standards and standard clusters found within. The daily lessons are based on 50-minute sessions and build up to a culminating project-based activity.
They provide ample instruction; ample student group and individual practice activities, suggestions for technology integration, interactive learning objects (animations, simulations, tutorials, and games), exercises, e-texts, videos, presentations, rubrics, and practice problems and solutions.
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ck-12 : FlexBook Platform : Algebra
ck-12 : FlexBook Platform : Algebra
Free easy to use tools for you, your teachers and your schools so that you can get your learning done.
Free educational resources. USA Standards-aligned and customizable.
Read online, print a copy, or use it on any device. Our content can be used with the Kindle, iPad, NOOK, and more.
Add bite-sized lessons to FlexBooks or assign to students for independent learning.
Videos and multimedia simulations bring learning to life.
Enable students to track their progress with instant feedback.
Get assessments, answer keys and ideas for differentiated instruction.
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Algebra Games
Algebra Games
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Algebra Courses at Wolfram Education Portal
Algebra Courses at Wolfram Education Portal
We are pleased to offer the best of all of our technologies to you here in the Wolfram Education Portal, organized by course. In the portal you'll find a dynamic textbook, lesson plans, widgets, interactive Demonstrations, and more built by Wolfram education experts. You can take a look at the types of materials we offer below, but to get full access to all materials, you need to sign up for a free account.
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LOTS of Algebra Videos
LOTS of Algebra Videos
Welcome to the first-of-its-kind math video lessons, filmed in a LIVE classroom! The idea of capturing the classroom's energy and fun was born on one of Robert Ahdoot's trips abroad.
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Swiss Algebra Help
Swiss Algebra Help
I believe that understanding fractions and proportional reasoning is at the heart of learning mathematics. So I created this website to help children learn and teachers (I include myself) teach algebra (and geometry and trigonometry)
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Algebra Videos
Algebra Videos
Are you looking for online algebra videos? Each of the following lessons has an online video on a particular algebra topic.
Some videos are followed by online quizzes and interactive games designed to reinforce the concepts taught in each movie.
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Algebrahelp.com is a collection of tools created to assist students and teachers of algebra.
Begin by reading one of our lessons. Then find help with your homework using our step-by-step calculators, and test your knowledge using interactive worksheets.
All content on algebrahelp.com is accessible free of charge!
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Algebra in the Real World (videos)
Algebra in the Real World (videos)
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Online Graphing Calculators
Online Graphing Calculators
Graph Functions, Equations, and Inequalities in Algebra, Precalculus, and Calculus
Function Graphing Calculators: with Automatic Worked-Out Solutions for Algebra, Calculus, and PreCalculus, Including Intercepts, Domain, Range, Symmetry, Maxima & Minima, Asymptotes, Points of Inflection, Concavity, Derivatives, Discontinuities, Holes, and Automatic Optimal Viewing Window
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Function Flyer
Function Flyer (Online Interactive)
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Interactive Graphs
Interactive Graphs
Get a clear and complete understanding of the mathematics of coordinates and graphs.
There are well over 200 different activities here. You will be able to create your own diagrams and change them using the mouse and see the effect these changes have on the graphs and on the algebra involved.
A large variety of aspects of graphs is covered, from plotting straight lines, quadratic, cubic, reciprocal and trigonometrical curves to solving equations. At higher level you can investigate transformations of graphs and more unusual curves such as those of exponential functions and 4th degree polynomials.
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Function and graph
Function and graph is a dynamical diagram that ilustrates the connection between the notion of a function as a mapping and its geometrically intuitive representation as a curve in the plane.
It is also suitable as a repetition before introducing the derivative
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Basic Algebra
Topics include:
Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division of Algebraic Expressions; Solving Equations; Formulas and Literal Equations; Applied Verbal Problems
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Algebra : free online textbook
From Wikibooks, the open-content textbooks collection
| Introduction to algebra (pre-algebra) | Equations and functions (second year algebra) | Logic and Proofs | Trigonometry and polynomials | Extending algebra | Linear algebra | Abstract algebra |
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Algebra in Simplest Terms
Although this series can be purchased on tape it is also fre on this website after you have registered.
A video instructional series on algebra for college and high school classrooms and adult learners; 26 half-hour video programs and coordinated books
In this series, host Sol Garfunkel explains how algebra is used for solving real-world problems and clearly explains concepts that may baffle many students.
Graphic illustrations and on-location examples help students connect mathematics to daily life.
The series also has applications in geometry and calculus instruction.
Algebra is also valuable for teachers seeking to review the subject matter.
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Mathematics Algebra Tutorials (recommended)
The National Library of Virtual Manipulatives (NLVM) is an NSF (USA) supported project that began in 1999 to develop a library of uniquely interactive, web-based virtual manipulatives or concept tutorials, mostly in the form of Java applets, for mathematics instruction (K-12 emphasis).
The project includes dissemination and extensive internal and external evaluation.
Math | Maths | Mathematics | interactive | multimedia | Free | Number and Operations | Algebra | Geometry | Measurement | Data Analysis | Probability |
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Algebra Help at FreeMathsHelp
Algebra Help at FreeMathsHelp
Introduction to Algebra | Asymptotes | Combining Like Terms | Distributive Property | Factoring Numbers | Greatest Common Factor | Negative Exponents | Order of Operations | Proportions and Ratios | Scientific Notation | Substitution | Using the FOIL Method | Word Problems |
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Shamblesguru 'Algebra' Video Picks on YouTube
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