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Sunday 16 March 2025
  History on Mobile

Russian revolution of 1917 : Twitter Re-enactment #1917LIVE
The dramatic Twitter re-enactment of the Russian revolution of 1917 garnered huge attention online, as it recounts the daily events that changed the course of world history 100 years later.
RT’s #1917LIVE Twitter project is retelling the fateful events of 1917 Russia through Twitter with special profiles for Tsar Nicholas II, Vladimir Lenin, Empress Alexandra and many others including everyday Russians who were caught up in the tide of history that swept their country.<
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Shamblesguru's Live Twitter Stream
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NASA's mission to Mars.
I arrived at the Red Planet, Aug. 5, 2012 PDT (Aug.6 UTC).
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WW2 Tweets from 1940 : Simulation
WW2 Tweets from 1940 : Simulation
Livetweeting the 2nd World War, as it happens on this date & time in 1940, & for 6 years to come.
Questions to "@historyreal" contact realtimewwii@gmail.com
Visit the WW2 Facebook Page
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12 World History Apps
12 World History Apps
Some of the more interactive apps like War World 11 or Virtual History: Roma lend themselves to individual research projects or even students negotiated activities, other could be used just as starters or as warm up activities. However you use them, these apps give you a set of tools that you can now use in your iPad classroom.
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iPad Apps for Social Studies

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History Tech Integration: Centennial Walk Project
History Tech Integration: Centennial Walk Project
Perhaps you have heard the old phrase, “If these walls could talk.” Well, now by using QR Codes, iOS apps, and websites such as HistoryPin, they will be able to make their walls talk!
Gregory Swanson NSW Australia
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