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Rubrics for Teachers : History
Rubrics for Teachers : History

The LCP History Assessment Activities (UK)
The LCP History Assessment Activities offer full-colour, highly-illustrated onscreen activities based on the QCA Schemes of Work for history at key stages 1 & 2.
The record-keeping element within each of the CDs ?one for each year ?supplies the teacher with the National Curriculum level of each child. The assessment uses a ?raffic light?system to show the teacher whether pupils are working below, at or above the expected level.
Commercial package for sale

QCA (England) Subject Page : History
Qualifications and Curriculum Authority : QCA (England) Subject Page : History
In mid 2004 QCA launched a series of new subject pages provides linkings to information about QCA? work in each subject.
GCSE | key stage | stages | GCE | A level | examination | exam | sats | subject criteria | performance | assessment | england and wales | qualifications | inclusion | publications | test | tests | national curriculum | case studies | improving learning | planning |

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