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  History TimeLines

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It happened Timelines
Read everything that happened from ancient times to present day via easy to browse historical timelines.
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BBC Timeline: A History of the World
BBC Timeline: A History of the World
A History of the World is a partnership between the BBC and the British Museum that focuses on world history, involving collaborations between teams across the BBC, and schools, museums and audiences across the UK.
The project focuses on the things we have made, from flint to mobile phone.
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TimeMaps are animated historical maps placed on interactive timelines, narrating history as it happened and bringing it to life in a new and dramatic way.
Designed to enhance historical knowledge and further chronological understanding, this new series of resources are ideal for Interactive White Boards in the classroom and also for individual study both at home and at school.
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BBC - History - Timelines
BBC - History - Timelines | Britain | England | Northern Ireland | Scotland | Wales | Kings and Queens | Ancient Egypt | Ages of Treasure | Prime Ministers and Politics | Ancient Rome | Persecution and Genocide Under the Nazis 1933 - 1945 |
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Timelines at HistoryWorld
Timelines at HistoryWorld
e.g. | Romans, Anglo-Saxons and Vikings in Britain | Britain and the wider world in Tudor times | Victorian Britain | Britain since 1930 | Ancient Greece | Britain 1066-1500 | Britain 1500-1750 | Britain 1750-1900 | Medicine through time | Britain 1815-51 | The American West, 1840-95 | Germany 1919-45 | The Zulu kingdoms | Roman empire |
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History of the world
History of the world
To find out more about the history of the world just choose from the continents below to view their history
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Major Events in World History
Major Events in World History
A complete chronology of the major events in World History. Both American history and World history are included in the chronology.
5500BC-0BC | 0BC-1500AD | 1500-1800AD | 1800 -1900AD | THE 20TH CENTURY |
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World War One Timeline: 1914-1919
Chief Events of the War Timeline: 1914-1919
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