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Sunday 30 March 2025

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Genealogy in Second Life .. 3D Virtual World
Second Life Residents Take Genealogy To a New Level
Illya D’Addezio at Genealogy Today sent a note about his new Genealogy HUD for the virtual world Second Life (SL). The HUD (short for heads-up display) lets SL residents seamlessly use the genealogy search engine Live Roots from within SL.
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Geni is a private place for your family to build your family tree,preserve your history and share your lives.
A website with an ambitious goal: to create a family tree of the whole world!
You can start creating your family tree on our homepage through (what we hope is) a fun simple interface. It’s extremely fast to build your tree by clicking the yellow arrows in the direction you want to add new family members. As you’ll notice, there is no software download required, no lengthy signup process, and no fees.
There is another key advantage of Geni: When you add a relative, you can also enter his or her email address. In that case your relative will receive an email inviting him or her to join your tree. By clicking a link, your relative will be taken to the same family tree you’ve been working on, but re-centered from that relative’s point of view.
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Footnote : a social memory book (social network)
Footnote : A Social Network to remember the dead.
Footnote.com is a place where original historical documents are combined with social networking in order to create a truly unique experience involving the stories of our past
The Footnote.com collections feature documents, most never before available before on the Internet, relating to the Revolutionary War, Civil War, WWI, WWII, US Presidents, historical newspapers, naturalization documents, and many more.
Footnote.com is more than just an online repository for original documents. In addition to hosting millions of records, Footnote supports a community of people that are passionate about a variety of topics relating to history.
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Genealogy templates at Wikipedia
Free Genealogy templates at Wikipedia
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Free Genealogy Charts
Free Genealogy Charts
Download the professional Free genealogy charts, forms and templates you need to document your family tree.
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Legacy Family Tree (software)
Legacy Family Tree (software)
The full-featured professional genealogy program that helps you track, organize, print, and share your family history. Includes sourcing, reports, merging, To Do list, slide shows, multimedia, Web pages, spell checking, import and export and much more. And, it's free!
Upgrade to the Deluxe edition is $19.95 for a download.
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Free Interactive Genealogy Tutorial
Free Interactive Genealogy Tutorial - Researching Your Family Tree
Have you ever wondered about your great-grandparents? Or have you wanted to work on your family history, but you had no idea how to get started? If you answered yes to these questions, this FREE interactive tutorial is for you.
Using Online Resources | Gathering Key Records | Exploring Further | Sharing Information | Quiz |
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Surnames - Sources of Surname Information
Surnames - Sources of Surname Information
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Surname Meanings and Origins
Surname Meanings and Origins
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Commonwealth War Graves Commission
The Commission was established by Royal Charter in 1917. Its duties are to mark and maintain the graves of the members of the forces of the Commonwealth who were killed in the two World Wars, to build memorials to those who have no known grave and to keep records and registers, including, after the Second World War, a record of the Civilian War Dead.
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African Ancestored Genealogy
AfriGeneas provides leadership, promotion and advocacy for the mutual development and use of a system of genealogy resources for researching African related ancestry.
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UK: National Statistics
Welcome to the National Statistics website. This site contains the latest comprehensive range of official UK statistics and information about statistics as well providing free access to a selection of recently released publications in downloadable pdf format.
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UK: GenUKi
Enter this large collection of genealogical information pages for England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales, the Channel Islands, and the Isle of Man.
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The Internet's oldest and largest free genealogical and family research site.
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Cyndi's List of Genealogy Sites on www
More than 75,350 links! 63,400 links, categorized & cross-referenced, in over 120 categories Another 11,950+ uncategorized new links in the works
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Ancestry offers to help find your ancestor from its database of 550 million names. It is a subscription service but there is lots of helpful information available for free.
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Origins: Scotland
Origins.net is the home of Scots Origins the official source of genealogical data for Scotland. Scots Origins is the only online database with comprehensive government records for an entire country.
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Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormons) produce the International Genealogical Index - over 600 million names extracted from vital records from throughout the world. Easy to search.
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