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Sunday 16 March 2025
  Geography on Mobile

Science Island - Educational Virtual World iOS App
Science Island - Educational Virtual World iOS App
Lots of Geology
Explore an imaginary volcanic island in the tropics and discover its scientific secrets. Content created by a licensed experienced science teacher using the Unity 3D game engine.
This app runs best on an ipad. It will run on the ipod touch 5 and iphone 5.
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48 iPad Apps for Teaching and Learning Geography
48 iPad Apps for Teaching and Learning Geography
After a year or two of tinkering and experimenting with apps for teaching / learning Geography, I have (finally) compiled this list of what I deem to be the most useful iPad apps for teaching Geography.
I have not rated any of them, or offered any kind of review. I have merely inserted a screenshot or two and a link to the App Store.
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Social Sudies Apps for the iPad
Social Sudies Apps for the iPad
iPad apps market is growing exponentially and more and more apps are added every single day. It does become hard to keep up with its updates especially in the educational part of it, but we are always doing our utmost to bring you the best educational apps available from some of our trusted iPad apps resources.
So after having posted about the free Social Studies Websites, we are moving now to iPad and provide you with some of the best apps for social studies. Check out the list here and share with us your suggestions.
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iGeography by Jenny Ashby
iGeography by Jenny Ashby (Workflows for Learning with iPads)
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iPad Apps for Social Studies
iPad Apps for Social Studies .. LiveBinder
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iWorldGeography for iPad
A series of iPad apps that help scaffold the existing geography curriculum.
Visual and lesson design match curriculum; they also stand alone. Goal is engaging, age-appropriate, independent-use, no bells and whistles. Continents and North America are best for younger kids; 6-9 year olds prefer Central and South America.
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Around the World with 15 Cool Geography Apps
Around the World with 15 Cool Geography Apps
Geography seems to me to be one of those subjects that actually lends itself to the type of multimedia multi-sensory experience that is the ipad. Some of the apps in this post allow you produce beautiful infographic style maps using your data, others allow you to explore the ways in which the world is being effected by population. The map of disasters is a hard one to ignore especially in the context of the recent spate of tsunamis and earthquakes.
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