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Wednesday 26 March 2025
  Google Earth

Google Earth : New educational tours and lesson plans
Google Earth comes to the classroom with new educational tours and lesson plans.
The new version of Google Earth introduced a feature called Voyager, offering a showcase of guided tours from scientists, nonprofits, and other storytellers and organizations. The tours let you explore a region or multiple locales, through the use of photos, 360-degree videos, and Google Maps Street View, along with text. At launch, there were tours from groups like BBC Earth, Jane Goodall, Sesame Street, and NASA available.
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Google Earth Intros Tour Builder
Google Earth Intros Tour Builder, A Cooler Way to Tell Stories
Tour Builder allows users to weave narratives through photos, videos, text and Google Earth.
Originally created as a way for U.S. military veterans to tell their stories, the tool, which only requires a Google account and the Google Earth desktop plug-in for Mac OS X or Windows, is now available for everyone.
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18 Google Earth & Maps Lessons for K-12
18 Google Earth & Maps Lessons for K-12
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1st Grade Geography Lesson with Google Earth
1st Grade Geography Lesson with Google Earth
Students will be able to compare the size of different geographical locations (ex. continent, country, state/province, city, etc.) with a 3D mapping tool (Google Earth).
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Foster empathy and broaden students' world view #educon
A look at how Google Earth can foster empathy and broaden students' world view

Presentation (Conversation) at #educon 26 Jan 2013 educonphilly.org
An innovation conference where we can come together, both in person and virtually, to discuss the future of schools. Every session will be an opportunity to discuss and debate ideas — from the very practical to the big dreams.
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Using Google Earth in the classroom
Using Google Earth in the classroom
Today we're looking at GEteach, a site developed by 9th-grade Geography teacher Josh Williams. The site uses the Google Earth Plug-in to give you quick access to a wide variety of information such as the CIA Factbook, population densities, and various other human and physical geographic overlays.
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Measuring distances with the Google Earth Ruler
Measuring distances with the Google Earth Ruler
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Using Google Earth in the Classroom
Using Google Earth in the Classroom
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Google Earth in the Classroom #LiveBinder
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Google Earth Engine
Google Earth Engine brings together the world's satellite imagery—trillions of scientific measurements dating back more than 25 years—and makes it available online with tools for scientists, independent researchers, and nations to mine this massive warehouse of data to detect changes, map trends and quantify differences to the earth's surface.
Using this new tool, we've already begun helping scientists develop applications for detecting deforestation and mapping land use trends, and have started working with individual countries to develop their own applications.
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How to Teach With Google Earth
How to Teach With Google Earth
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Interesting Ways to Use Google Earth in the Classroom
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Google Earth Tip Sheet (pdf)
Google Earth Tip Sheet (pdf)
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Using Google Earth in K-12 Classrooms
Using Google Earth in K-12 Classrooms
What is Google Earth? | How Much Does GE Cost? | Rationale | Lesson Examples | GE Resources from Google | Other GE Resources | Tutorials | Connecting with GE Educators | Dr. Christie's Videos | ISTE Webinars FAQs |
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Complete List of Google Earth Activities
Complete List of Google Earth Activities
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Google Earth Hacks
Google Earth Hacks
Google Earth Hacks provides links to interesting content found or created by users like you and gives you quick access to check things out in Google Earth.
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Google Earth for the iPhone
Google Earth for the iPhone
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20 Ways to use Google Earth in the classroom
Twenty Interesting Ways to use Google Earth in the classroom ... and Tips ... online presentation (Google Presenter)
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Educational Uses with Google Earth
Back to School - Educational Uses with Google Earth
Here you will find a sample of possible useful content for Google Earth in a variety of subjects such as geography, literature, science, history, and more.
Basically, any information which can be tied to a location on Earth can be illustrated, and made interesting, using GE. Juicy Geography is a web site, by Noel Jenkins in the UK, designed to help teachers learn more about tools like GE for the classroom and suggests possible lessons.
Also, check out a summary of educational uses for Google Maps by GoogleMapsMania.
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Google Earth 101 for Educators
Google Earth 101 for Educators
While taking this course you are not only a learner but also helping to build this course. Please take advantage of the collaborative opportunitiy of this wiki course.
Each topic introduces you to new skills and gives you opportunites to explore pedagogical implications and classroom ideas.
Resources will be highlighted throughout the course in order to extend your learning.
A resource that shares curriculum lessons that are associated with Google Earth.
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The ten best things you can do with Google Earth
The ten best things you can do with Google Earth
#10 - Find Your House | #9 - Aircraft in Flight | #8 - Be an aircraft | #7 - Map Quirks | #6 - Strange Objects | #5 - Historical Sites | #4 - TV and Movie Locations | #3 - Weather | #2 - Famous Landmarks | #1 - 3D Models |
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Google Earth Lessons
Google Earth Lessons
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Teach Area and Perimeter Using Google Earth
Teach Area and Perimeter Using Google Earth
This is a tutorial designed to show you how you can incorporate Google Earth into your classroom. Aside from the obvious geography connections you can use Google Earth to teach area, perimeter, geometry, and many other mathematical concepts.
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Holographic Google Earth
Holographic Google Earth
True 3D imaging systems for trade shows, POP, theme parks, & museums.
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GELessons.com - A Free Public Resource - Providing Teachers with the tools needed to enhance their instruction using Google Earth®, the free program that brings the world to the classroom! A Website By and For Teachers.
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Visualize Earthquake Data In Google Earth
Visualize Earthquake Data In Google Earth
The US Geological Survey and Google are now making global earthquake data available in Google Earth as one of the layers under "Places of Interest."
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The New Google Moon
The New Google Moon
Google Moon went live back in July 2005 with relatively low resolution images of our closest neighbor.
In conjunction with today's (Sept 07) news about Google backing private moon landings through the Google Lunar X PRIZE, a new version of Google Moon has been released.
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Back to School: Educational Uses with Google Earth
Back to School - Educational Uses with Google Earth
For those of you who are educators and have thought, or heard, that Google Earth would make a good tool for geography lessons - let me suggest you look closer. Google Earth (GE) is not only a great tool for geography - it has the ability to entice kids to learn about information tied to location in a huge variety of important educational subjects.
Here you will find a sample of possible useful content for Google Earth in a variety of subjects such as geography, literature, science, history, and more.
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Shamblesguru 'Google Earth' Video Picks on YouTube
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Google Maps Mania
Google Maps Mania
An unofficial Google Maps blog tracking the websites, mashups and tools being influenced by Google Maps.
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Google Earth Blog
Google Earth Blog
This blog is not affiliated with Google. It is dedicated to the amazing things the Google Earth application is bringing to the world.
This blog isn't just about the application, but the things you can learn about or do with the application. Google Earth in many ways represents a new paradigm in exploring information.
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GIS and GPS Resources & Lesson Plan Links
GIS and GPS Resources & Lesson Plan Links
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World Tour, 100 Major Cities
World Tour, 100 Major Cities using Google Maps
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Google Earth : Juicy Geography
Google Earth : Juicy Geography
Picture the classroom with a beautiful 3D globe projected onto a whiteboard. The subject is settlement and the place is Brazil. The lesson is focused on the location of shanty towns. The camera flies to the Dona Marta favela, Rio de Janeiro
Teaching ideas : The simplest way to start using Google Earth in the classroom is to add your school as a placemark in the My Places folder. Create a second folder for teaching locations. Fly to each place mentioned in a lesson!
Google Earth | Google Earth community | Google Earth Hacks | Google Earth Blog | Google maps mania | Google Sightseeing |
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