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  Carbon Calculators

How Zerofootprint Uses Data To Make Schools Greener
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TerraPass is the brainchild of Dr. Karl Ulrich at the University of Pennsylvania. Along with 41 of his students, Karl launched TerraPass in October, 2004 as a way to help everyday people reduce the climate impact of their driving. Within its first year, TerraPass registered over 2,400 members, reduced 36 million pounds of CO2, and earned countless national press and blog articles.
TerraPass is a resource for those looking to meet the challenge of global warming by taking responsibility for their own carbon emissions. With TerraPass, you can calculate your carbon footprint and find ways to reduce it with energy-saving tips and ideas. Through TerraPass, you can also balance your emissions by funding clean energy and carbon reduction projects that help to fight global warming.
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World carbon emissions
World carbon emissions
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Carbon Footprint Calculator
The calculations for the primary emissions are based on a combination of metrics from the UK's Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA), the UK's Department for Transport, and the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
The calculations for the secondary emissions are based on estimates developed by Carbon Footprint to illustrate the impact on the environment from your day-to-day activities.
Your actual secondary footprint may in reality be either lower or greater than that estimated here.
The total carbon footprint of an individual is the sum of their primary and secondary emissions.
The average carbon footprint per individual for each country is sourced from the EPA.
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Berkeley : Carbon Footprint Calculator
Berkeley : Carbon Footprint Calculator
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Personal Emissions Calculator (EPA)
Personal Emissions Calculator (EPA)
EPA has developed tools to help individuals (and households) reduce greenhouse gas emissions and take action. Businesses and organizations interested in educating their employees and members about what they can do at home to help protect our climate can also use these tools.
Use this online calculator to obtain an estimate of your personal greenhouse gas emissions or your family’s greenhouse gas emissions. Then move on to the next section of the calculator to explore actions you and/or your family can take to lower your emissions while reducing your energy and waste disposal costs. For each action you choose to take, the calculator displays the amount of emissions you could avoid and how that amount relates to your total emissions.
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