Online IELTS Courses Now Available
Professional IELTS feedback for fast improvement.
Free podcasts! The podcasts are in iTunes, Soundcloud, Youtube, and can be downloaded from the site.

The Justin Time Radio Show!
Comedy for EFL and ESL students. Funny stories and jokes. An enjoyable way to improve your listening and pick up new vocabulary. On iTunes. Activity sheets download for free.

A Cup Of English
Friendly, daily English at the intermediate level with grammar notes.

Culips ESL Podcast
We are here to help everyone learn more natural English with our ESL podcasts! We podcast from Montreal , Canada. We think it is really important, and fun, to learn English how it is really spoken. That’s why our podcasts are always focused on real, current English. We have interesting ESL podcast styles and exciting topics.

ESL Excel Seminar
ESL Excel Seminar
This is a free multi-level ESL instructional program. Learn English Today for free!

English Listening World
Learn English vocabulary by listening to the words in context... in stories. Short (1-3 min) stories in mp3 format with accompanying pictures, and some study hints are on this site. Not exactly podcasts, but rss supported, with a blog style page (NEWS).

The Many Roads to Japan
A free online textbook and podcast that tells the story of a war resister's 14-year search for identity.
Suitable for lower intermediate and above ESL/EFL students.

Learn English through football (soccer)
A free weekly podcast for learners of English who are fans of football. Each week there are transcripts, worksheets, vocabulary lists and online quizzes.

Business English Podcast
Business English Pod provides free MP3 podcast lessons for intermediate and advanced Business English learners.
Each podcast is focused on a particular skill (meetings, presentations, telephoning etc.) and language function (clarifying, disagreeing, questioning etc.).
Premium Members can download the Study Notes, including a full transcript, extra vocabulary definitions and review exercises, for each episode.

Podcasts in English
Podcasts in English is an English language learning website for EFL/ESL learners who want to improve their English through a variety of interesting listening activities with transcripts, webquests and vocabulary worksheets.
All podcasts are free for language learners, but you have to become a member to receive the learning English worksheets, transcripts and tips on improving your listening skills.

The Word
This is a fun and interesting ESL podcast done by two Canadian brothers. They discuss all kinds of interesting topics. Great for university students to listen too and also great to stimulate classroom discussion

ESL Teacher Talk
ESL Teacher Talk
ESL teachers on topics such as classroom management, lesson planning advice, job search tips and more. Listen on-line or download to your iPod or mp3 player and go.
You will also find interviews with the top names in ESL.
Each broadcast contains a feature game or activity that you can use in your lessons with supporting downloads and materials.

The Englishcaster
The Englishcaster
Englishcaster is for both students and educators: EFL, ESL, TESOL, TEFL. You can listen to, rate, review and submit podcasts, as well as other English study resources.

Introduction to English Learning Podcasts
Introduction to English Learning Podcasts
Podcasting is especially interesting for English learners as it provides a means for students to get access to "authentic" listening sources about almost any subject they may interest them.
Teachers can take advantage of podcasts as a basis for listening comprehension exercises, as a means of generating conversation based on students' reaction to podcasts, and as a way of providing each and every student diverse listening materials.

English as a Second Language Podcast
English as a Second Language ESL Podcast
All podcasts have an 8-10 page Learning Guide, with complete transcripts and more vocabulary, explanations and cultural information.

ESL Teacher
ESL Teacher Talk
eslTeacherTalk provides free broadcasts for ESL teachers on topics such as classroom management, lesson planning advice, job search tips and more.
Listen on-line or download to your iPod or mp3 player and go!
You will also find interviews with the top names in ESL. Each broadcast contains a feature game or activity that you can use in your lessons with supporting downloads and materials

ESL Podcasts Listed at Apple iTunes Shop
ESL Podcasts Listed at Apple iTunes Shop .. mostly free.

Podcast Directories Listing on Shambles
Main Podcast Directories Listing on Shambles ... use one or more of these directories to search for more ESL Podcasts.
