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Tuesday 18 March 2025
  English and ICT

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Showcase: ICT-enabled Learning Programme
Showcase: ICT-enabled Learning Programme
School of Science and Technology, Singapore
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Facebook for English Teachers
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LiveBinder Training for English Teachers
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Twitter For English Techers #LiveBinder
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eLearning in English: Cool Fun Web 2.0 Stuff
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Survey Results: Mobile learning for ELT
Survey Results: Mobile learning for ELT
The purpose of the survey was to ascertain the level of awareness and openness to mobile learning among English language teachers.
I also wanted to find out to what degree and how teachers were already using mobile learning both in their teaching and and professional development and to establish whether they would be willing to pay for and use mobile content.
The survey also collected information about the teachers’ existing access to mobile services and the kinds of device they are using to get access to mobile Internet.
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Shamblesgurus 'English and ICT' YouTube Picks
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English Mashup with Google Earth
Mashup with Google Earth ... and the characters in fiction.
This site is an experiment in teaching great literature in a very different way. Using Google Earth, students discover where in the world the greatest road trip stories of all time took place... and so much more!
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English Village in Second Life
English Village in Second Life ... this is an excellent Blog if you teach English (or ESL/EAL) and are thinking of going into the 3D Virtual World Second Life. The owner of this blog and the Island in SL called English Village is a teacher in South Korea.
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Learning technology teacher blog for ELT
Learning technology teacher development blog for ELT
This blog is designed to aid English language teachers in their use of learning technology and web based materials.
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Read, Write and Type!
"Read, Write and Type" Learning System is a software program with supporting materials designed to teach beginning reading skills by emphasizing writing as a way to learn to read.
The program was developed for six- to nine-year-old students who are just beginning to read and for students who are struggling readers and writers. The main goal of Read, Write & Type!™ is to help students develop an awareness of the 40 English phonemes and the ability to associate each phoneme with a letter or a combination of letters and a finger stroke on the keyboard. Other goals of the program include identifying phonemes in words and fluency in sounding out, typing, and reading regularly spelled words.
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Online multimedia and interactive applications to support English teaching and learning .. e.g.
Acrostic Poems | Alphabet Organizer | Animal Inquiry | Comic Creator | Eye on Idioms | Flip Book | Graphic Map | Letter Poem Creator | Literary Graffiti | ReadWriteThink Notetaker | Riddle Interactive | Stapleless Book | Word Build & Bank | Word Wizard | Word Mover for ? Have a Dream?|
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Making the most of ICT in English
Making the most of ICT in English
Advice and issues at NATE National Association for the Teaching of English website.
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Integrating learning materials through the Web
Clarity Online Course
This demo is an illustration of how schools can integrate a variety of learning activities including electronic reading and grammar materials and paper-based worksheets on a single site. It is part of a pilot study set up for a high school group in Taiwan.
| Grammar and Tests --> Tense Buster Online Reading --> Read On! | Projects | Classwork |
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Handwriting Fonts
Handwriting fonts ... free downloads for your computer. Mac and PC, (even the old Acorn)
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The Education Project Asia
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