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Tuesday 18 March 2025
  Job Search

Neuvoo - job search
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Trovit is a search engine for classified ads for jobs. It provides a most interesting job ads published on thousands of classified websites.
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Shamblesguru's Live Twitter Stream
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StartWire : organise and monitor your applications
StartWire has been called ‘the TripIt.com of job search.’ It’s a free service that allows job seekers to organize their applications and get automatic status updates from thousands of employers via text message and email ... making the dreaded ‘application black hole’ just a little less dark. Tracking an application is a snap.
Automatic updates on your job applications from 5400+ employers!
StartWire is completely FREE
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Jooble (UK)
Jooble a place to search for UK jobs
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Careerjet gives the job seeker access to a massive selection of jobs that are compiled from various internet sources, saving the trouble of having to visit each site individually.
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JobiJoba (UK)
JobiJoba: job search engine.
You can find your next job by accessing thousands of jobs picked on job boards, newspapers job sections, and classifieds websites. JobiJoba brings you all jobs matching your search.
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TwitterJobSearch: Find a Job on Twitter
TwitterJobSearch: Find a Job on Twitter
"TwitterJobSearch.com is the first social media job search engine. We use semantic intelligence, link-crawling, and crowdsourcing to track recruitment offers."
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All The Top Bananas
This is a UK Jobs Search Engine that allows the user to search for jobs all over the UK, by region or job type. You can get CV writing tips and submit your CV to our database for employers to look through.
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Job Search Engine (USA)
JobCab is a career and job search engine.
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indeed : job search online (USA)
indeed : job search online (USA)
searching job sites, newspapers, associations and company career pages.
web 2.0
Indeed is a search engine for jobs - with a radically different approach to job search. In one simple search, Indeed gives job seekers free access to millions of employment opportunities from thousands of websites. Indeed.com includes all the job listings from major job boards, newspapers, associations and company career pages - and we continue to add new sites every day.
Would you like to include your job listings in our search engine? If you have a job site, click here to have your jobs added - there's no fee.
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Juju Job Search Engine (USA Only)
Juju's job search engine searches thousands of corporate recruiting sites, academic job boards, and general purpose job sites simultaneously and regularly lists thousands of education jobs throughout the USA.
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Careerjet is an employment search engine for the UK. It allows you to search a growing selection of jobs listed on company sites as well as jobsites in one go saving you the trouble of having to go to each site individually.
Includes UK teaching jobs .. can be searched by country or town.
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Association of American Schools in South America
The Association of American Schools in South America (AASSA) seeks qualified educators to fill positions in private schools located throughout South America. Schools vary in size and offer a predominately U.S. based curriculum. In general, two year contracts include housing, medical benefits, shipping allowance, transportation, home leave and competitive salaries.
Each year, AASSA holds an annual recruiting fair in the first week of December.
Typically, between 25 to 30 schools attend the fair, interviewing for approximately 100-150 positions.
recruitment | South America | AASSA Teacher Search | teaching | jobs | teacher | vacancies |
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ChiefMonster is the definitive career resource for senior executives who aren't just doing business, but are changing the way business is done. Apply for membership today to gain exclusive access to the most comprehensive collection of senior-level opportunities from today's top employers, executive search firms and Venture Capital Companies. As a member, you'll also have the opportunity to benchmark your skills and compensation against peers, expand your networking circle and arm yourself with personalized real-time tools and information.
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Teaching Jobs Overseas
Teaching Jobs Overseas Topics: international teaching, teaching overseas, teaching abroad, American and international schools, overseas jobs, international employment, etc.
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eteach .. teacher recruitment UK
As well as including recruitment this site offers the latest news on UK Education.
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Search Associates
Each year Search Associates places over 700 teachers, administrators and interns in international schools throughout the world, making us one of the larger of the international school placement organizations.
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Salary Information & Comparisons
Salary.com is the leader in online compensation information for individuals, business managers and human resource professionals. Salary.com provides accurate, authoritative compensation data and content online, at no charge. Based in Wellesley, Mass., Salary.com offers the most in-depth coverage of salary information over a comprehensive set of industries and thousands of job titles.
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European Council of International School .... list teaching job vacancies in International Schools.
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Reed Personnel (UK)
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