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  Boarding Schools

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Shanti Gyan International School (in)
A complete residential school in New Delhi.
The School is affiliated to CBSE and is from class I-XII. Special attention is given to weak students and emphasis is laid on sports as well.
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AdmissionsQuest - Boarding School Directory
AdmissionsQuest provides parents and students with comprehensive boarding school search and application services.
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Boarding school in India
Dalhousie Public School at BADHANI is one of the leading boarding school india and also at Dalhousie, from a very humble start established the school at Dalhousie, India.
Whatever a boarding school of today should be exists at BADHANI
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Which Boarding School (UK)
Welcome to 'Which Boarding School' - a fully independent site providing detailed information about boarding education in the UK.
We are here to help you choose the right school for your child amongst the many boarding schools in the UK, all providing a remarkable and unique education. But, like children, they are all different and finding the right match is key to achieving a successful education and happy school life.
This service is free to all users! And, if you need us to, we can help with applications and enrolment free of charge too.
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UK boarding Schools & Education
Find your best UK boarding schools for your kids, Free Services!
One of the UK Boarding schools specialist in HK.
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Boarding School Review - USA
Boarding School Review
Boarding School Review provides a unique look into United States boarding schools. We are the first and only service to offer alumni reviews, detailed school profiles, and interactive tools to compare boarding schools across more than 20 important dimensions. Our service saves applicants and their families a lot of time, but more importantly, gives them better information to make the best possible boarding school decisions.
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ISBI : Independent Schools of the British Isles
Comprehensive: isbi.com includes all the 3,200 independent and fee paying schools and residential special needs schools in the British Isles, including the STABIS state boarding schools. It also features Summer schools, English language schools, Revision and retake courses and 1,800 International schools worldwide.
school | schools | international | boarding | residential |
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National Coalition of Girls' Schools (US)
More than 100 private and public, day and boarding girls' schools across the U.S. are Coalition members.
boarding | residential | school | schools | worldwide | US | USA | independent | private | international | girls | girl |
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Association of Boarding Schools
The Association of Boarding Schools (TABS) is the only US-based, non-profit educational organization exclusively serving boarding schools and students. TABS was formed as a committee in 1976 to address enrollment issues pertaining to boarding schools.
The Association of Boarding Schools leads a national and international effort to promote awareness and understanding of boarding schools, expand the applicant pool for our membership, and offer support and direction for residential life programs. Our goals are to provide information about member schools to the general public, and to engender favorable publicity for the boarding option.
boarding | residential | school | schools | worldwide | US | USA | independent | private | international |
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NCES School Search
National Centre for Educational Statistics (US) .. school search facility
boarding | residential | school | schools | worldwide | US | USA |
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