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  The Language (jp)

Japanese Quizzes
A quiz bank full of online Japanese quizzes.
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Japanese Language videos at youtube.EDU (jp)
Japanese Language video resources at youtube.EDU
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Free English to Japanese Dictionary
Free English to Japanese dictionary written by a native Japanese speaker.
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Digital Dialects : Japanese (jp)
The Digital Dialects website features free to use interactive games for learning languages.
Language sections are updated regularly and new sections are under development.
This site requires the use of Macromedia Flash Player.
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Japanese Vocabulary Games
Japanese Vocabulary Games
This website provides free vocabulary games for students to learn Japanese vocabulary online.
Interface can be English or Japanese upon your choice.
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Learn Japanese the fun way | Nihongoup (jp)
Nihongoup is a Japanese reviewing tool for foreign learners and native speakers alike.
- Improve your kana IME typing speed
- Review JLPT kanji and vocabulary
- Learn Japanese particles in context
All this comes packaged in this Japanese learning game which will keep you motivated during you study of this beautiful, but demanding language
Trial/demo version available.
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Japanese Words (jp)
Japanese Words
The collection of videos here will provide complete beginners with enough knowledge for having a basic conversation in Japanese
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Japanese Numbers (jp)
Learning Japanese Number
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Tae Kims Blog (jp)
Tae Kim’s Blog : Japanese, Chinese, and a dash of Korean
She writes instructive articles for the beginner, intermediate and advanced level learners of Japanese
This blog originally used to be at nihongo.3yen.com and I moved the content to my own blog
The original blog was for people learning Japanese but I have a bit more flexibility now and will write my thoughts on learning Japanese, Chinese, and Korean. The focus will still be on useful information for those learning Japanese while posts about Chinese and Korean will be more from a learner’s point of view since that’s what I am. (Not to say that I’m not still learning Japanese.)
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Hiragana and Katakana Practice
Hiragana and Katakana Practice
A page for you to test your knowledge of Hiragana and Katakana.
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This website is in Japanese but you can use one of the translation websites to change to English (I like Babelfish myself) but almost impossible to navigate around unless you read Japanese
This is a video hosting site ... just upload your videos 'Youtube-style" ... the magic is that you are able to add chat over the uploaded video.
Imagine working with a group of language students ... then this could be a very powerful tool, asking them to translate in chat over the video.
I'm hoping there will be an English version one day.
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Yahoo Kids in Japanese (jp)
Yahoo Kids in Japanese
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Japanesepod101 : Podcasts (jp)
Learn Japanese with Daily Podcasts from Tokyo Whether you are Japan-bound or a seasoned speaker, our lessons offer something for everyone. We incorporate culture and current issues into each episode to give the most informative, both linguistically and culturally, podcasts possible.
For those of you with just the plane ride to prepare, check our survival phrase series at Japanesepod101.com. One of these phrases just might turn your trip into the best one ever! Yoroshiku O-negai Shimasu!
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Wikijunior Languages : Japanese
Wikijunior Languages : Japanese
From Wikibooks, the open-content textbooks collection | free | online | textbook |
| What writing system(s) does this language use? | How many people speak this language? | Where is this language spoken? | What is the history of this language? | Who are some famous authors or poets in this language? | What are some basic words in this language that I can learn? | What is a simple song/poem/story that I can learn in this language? |
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Google Search Engine : Japanese Front Page (jp)
Google Search Engine : Japanese Front Page
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English-Japanese Vocabulary Quizzes (jp)
English-Japanese Vocabulary Quizzes
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Japanese Language (jp)
For a quick start up please see our Japanese Words section. Just after you can take your first steps into the grammar, but it's just an overview, if you want to take it more seriously, you'll have to study many years.
The Japanese literature is another interesting source of information, as well as Japanese slang, to know a little about how people speak in the streets. And if you're a teacher, please visit our Japanese Teaching resources page, to get in touch with associations and other sites built specially for you. You'll find also links to Japanese language schools abroad
Japanese Dialects | Japanese Dictionaries | Japanese Language Facts | Japanese Forum | Japanese Grammar | History of the Japanese | Japanese language jobs | Language Newsletters | Language Schools | Japanese Literature | Japanese Phrases | Japanese Products | Japanese Sign Language | Japanese Slang | Teaching Japanese | Japanese translation | Japanese Words |
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Wikibooks online course on the Japanese language
Wikibooks online course on the Japanese language ... free access
Visitors can modify the content online in real time and also add new material themselves.
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List of Japanese Search Engines at Colossus
List of Japanese Search Engines at Colossus
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Japanese Word Processor (jp)
Japanese Word Processor .. free demo
Input Methods: KanaKanji, Romaji, Four-Corners, Strokes, Nelson index, Unicode, radical lookup and English-to-Japanese methods.
Japanese-English Dictionary: Japanese to English and English to Japanese two-way fast lookup, with 100,000 entries in the dictionary.
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Wikipedia Encyclopedia in Japanese (jp)
Wikipedia Encyclopedia in Japanese
Wikipedia is the free-content encyclopedia that anyone can edit.
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Japanese language learning tools on Web (jp)
Japanese language learning tools on Web
Japanese-English, English-Japanese dictionaries | Kanji, Kana help | On-line Japanese tutoring | Survival Japanese | Let's chat | Reference materials on-line | "Short cut" (translation) sites | Teach your children some Japanese and about Asia! | Japanese Language Proficiency Test info | Japanese class offered online, class homepage |
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Nihongo Nirvana (jp)
Nihongo Nirvana - Nihongo Nirvana is a set of tools for the assisted study of the Japanese Language on both Desktop computers and PDAs. This project aims at the creation of a complete tool suite for the study of kanjis (japanese character), vocabulary and grammar.
Free | software | opensource | open source |
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Japanese Language Games at Quia (jp)
Japanese Language Games at Quia
katakana | FOOD and DRINK | Family Jeopardy: Japanese 1 | Japan at Work | Hiragana revision | Kanji | Kanji Jeopardy | Year 11 - School Vocabulary (roomaji) | Practising Self-introductions | Clothing and Colors:Japanese 2 | Year 10 vocab #1 | Eating and Drinking | Adjectivals: Ima 2 | Days of the week and months (roomaji) | Japanese script trial paragraph | Japanese Verb Cards - Set 2 |
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About the Japanese Language
About the Japanese Language
Hiragana Lessons ?Hiragana Chart | Kanji Land ?Kanji character for "sea" | Basic Lessons ?At the Post Office (4) | 50 Popular Kanji | Counters | Toy Chest | Kanji Challenge Quiz | Phrase of the Day | Japan | Japanese |
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The Kanji Project
The Kanji Project
This site is a curriculum-independent repository of Kanji study materials, allowing teachers to build their own Web documents (on their own, or using templates provided here) and linking in, as desired, to the multi-media materials.
The on-line collection of data consists of digital movies showing each character being painted with a brush; scanned still images of each character painted by hand; stroke count, on- and kun-yomi for each character; and sample compound words with accompanying sounds for each compound word.
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Using the Japanese Language on Your Computer
Using the Japanese Language on Your Computer
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Charles Kelly's Japanese Study Website (jp)
Charles Kelly's Japanese Study Website - Quizzes and Flashcards for Japanese Language Learning.
jp | japan | japanese | language |
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The Regional Dialect in Nosaka Town (jp)
The Regional Dialect in Nosaka Town - A dialect in the east coast of Tokyo
Nosaka town is located in the east coast of Tokyo. It's about 100km from Tokyo and is in Sosa-county, Chiba Prefecture. Though there are some dialects around our town, I will focus on the dialect in Nosaka town in this page.
language | course | jp | Japan | Japanese |
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