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Tuesday 18 March 2025

Getting your own space on the internet seems to get easier every week ... there are now so many options both free and 'subscription' ... technology is racing along to make the experience more user friendly without having to learn any major web authoring software .... it can now all be done online and often for FREE.

If you are looking for your first experience publishing on the web then definitely first set up a free blog ... there are a number of links to do this at Shambles Blogs List but maybe the one to start at would be Blogger.

If you want to see some examples of what BLOGs look like then visit the lists at :
| BLOG Search Engines |
| Librarian's BLOGS | Video BLOGS | elearning BLOGS | Technician's BLOGS | ICT BLOGS |

For other 'user friendly' options to get yourself on the web then have a look at the Shambles elearning page under the sub-heading "Get Your Class Online" ... there are many many options.

Other areas on Shambles containing relevant options for you are::
| free email 1 | free email 2 | Application Service Providers : ASPs | Build a Website 1 | Build a Website 2 |
| evaluating websites | submitting your website to search engines | applying for domain names |

Finally ....
.... if you want to build a website and have only 10 minutes to do it then CLICK HERE

advertise in this space on Shambles
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