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Sat 22 Feb 2025
Welcome to the tenth edition of the termly
SHAMBLES newsletter
..... of relevance to International Schools
in S.E.Asia (& friends)
for aims, purpose & mailing policy

Apologies if you have received more than one copy of the notice of this newsletter -
To subscribe to the newsletter just send a blank email to newsletter-subscribe@shambles.net

CLICK HERE to download a summary "Word.doc" version of the November 2005 newsletter (156KB)

INDEX (in no specific order)

Welcome Everything Google
Subject Departments - Resources International Schools Websites
Finding Schools Advertising on the Shambles website
Teaching and Learning Chinese ESF (Hong Kong) Photographs
Google EARTH and Others Amazing Grades
Clocks, Watches and Teaching TIME. I.B. : International Baccalaureate
ICT Technicians Asia Listserv ASEAN SchoolNet (UNESCO)
Naace : ICT Educ.Professional Assoc. Battle of the Books
The Mouse and Keyboard ePortfolios
Naace is the professional association for those who are concerned with advancing education through the appropriate use of information and communications technology
International School Consultancy (ISC) Database : over 3000 international schools world-wide
IWBNet + Sheffield North City Learning Centre + Hinde House School are to stage an international conference on Interactive Whiteboards in schooling in Sheffield, England 6,7 and 8of April 2006
Pronunciation Power : our mandate is to address the world-wide demand for English pronunciation tools and quality ESL materials.
Amazing Grades, a definitive guide to online study for 14-16 and 16-19 year olds.

"The Education Project Asia" (Chris Smith) is a consultancy designed to offer support to International Schools in S.E.Asia ... particularly in the area of integration of ICT across the curriculum.

Apart from maintaining the "Shambles" website I also provides on-site support to schools in the area of "ICT Across The Curriculum" .. ICT Reviews / audits / staff inservice / inset / parents evening /

Subjects & Departments on Shambles

The modifications on the Shambles website continues in response to feedback; on the home page you'll find links to versions in Chinese ...... these are machine generated translations. 漢語 日本語
There is also now an RSS feed to the newslettersRSS Feed to Shambles Newsletter

Try your own subject or interest area by clicking here :
| Assessment Recording and Reporting | International Baccalaureate | Games | Photography | Headteacher or Senior Manager |
| School Counsellors/careers staff | School Nurses | Art and Design | Design and Technology | English | ESL |
| Economics and Business Studies | Information Literacy | Information Technology | Geography | History | Mathematics | Music |
| Modern Foreign Languages | Physical Education | Religious Education | Science | SEN |The School Library |
| The ICT Technician Room |
... and (for primary / K-6) a 'Topics' area.

Finding Schools (public, private, international, worldwide) free

Finding schools (all schools, worldwide, not just International) is a constant challenge for parents, suppliers, teachers, students and schools themselves.

There is an area on Shambles that has a list of school databases around the world .... but it can be very time consuming unless you are looking at a specific geographical area or type of school.

I've set up a "Rollyo" which allows you to search 25 websites that hold school databases for ALL schools e.g. International, Private, Public, UK, Asia, USA, Australia.........

Put the school name
in this box and click "Search"

Teaching and Learning Chinese / Mandarin
www.shambles.net/mfl      www.chinese-tools.com/

The "Chinese Mandarin Language" area on Shambles has been growing ... thanks to all those who continue to suggest links and resources.

One recent addition is a new free website called "Chinese Tools" built by Olivier who is French and working in Guilin, China.
Some of the offerings on his site include:

Google EARTH and Others

One of the 'Killer Applications" for 2005 appears to be "Google Earth" an ability to zoom in on satellite images anywhere in the world ... just mind boggling.
A MUST for teaching/learning geography
BUT there are also others that have been around for some time ... don't miss out on the opportunities they offer ...

Google Earth : A 3D interface to the planet
Want to know more about a specific location? Dive right in -- Google Earth combines satellite imagery, maps and the power of Google Search to put the world's geographic information at your fingertips.

As to license, the FREE version can be freely downloaded and used in the educational setting as long as it's not used for commercial (revenue generating) or business purposes.
There is also the possibility of a FREE PRO license to qualified educators ... CLICK HERE for details (Word document)

If you use Google Earth then you will find some support for curriculum developers at:
Google Earth Community : http://bbs.keyhole.com/entrance.php?Cat=0
Google Earth Forum : http://bbs.keyhole.com/ubb/ubbthreads.php/Cat/0

NASA World Wind
World Wind lets you zoom from satellite altitude into any place on Earth. Leveraging Landsat satellite imagery and Shuttle Radar Topography Mission data, World Wind lets you experience Earth terrain in visually rich 3D, just as if you were really there.

TerraServer (USA)
Exploring our planet by studying maps and images is a fascinating experience! Not surprisingly, the first place many people visit is their own neighborhood. You also might want to take a look at famous places such as our National Parks or your favorite sports parks. TerraServer is also a valuable resource for researchers who was to study geography, environmental issues or archeological mysteries.

TerraServer (ALL of world)
Terraserver.com was founded in 1997 in Raleigh, North Carolina with the simple purpose of finding a commercial market for satellite imagery. Aerial Images, Terraserver.com's predecessor, helped seed the company's image database when it forged a relationship with SOVINFORMSPUTNIK, a Russian company with a cache of 2 meter, panchromatic satellite imagery.

Microsoft's Virtual Earth
Virtual Earth combines mapping and local search to put the answers to your search questions in a geographical context. To do this, Virtual Earth combines MSN Search with the latest in mapping to create a new Web application built on Microsoft technology.

TerraFly (for the USA)
Simply enter an address, and the system will put you at the controls of a bird's view aerial imagery to explore your digital earth.

Clocks and Watches ... and Teaching TIME

If you are teaching 'TIME" then you are guaranteed to find useful resources at this online virtual clock and watch collection.

open full size

ICT Technicians Asia Listserv: self-help group

SEASTEG : South East Asia Schools Technical Exchange Group
This is new listserv (mailing) list to provide a self-help group to anyone providing technical support in International Schools in S.E.Asia ... to be able to ask questions and share ideas and solutions of a technical nature.

To join send an email to SEASTEG-subscribe@topica.com
To send a message or question to the group then send an email to

There is also a page on Shambles specifically designed to support ICT Technicians and Managers in Schools which lives at www.shambles.net/technicians

There was a mini-competition to find an acronym for this group (thanks!) ....


technicians also work long hours
Please let your technical staff know
of this opportunity

Some ICT co-ordinators have asked if it is relevant for them to join .
.. "yes" if interested in techii discussions


Naace is the professional association for those who are concerned with advancing education through the appropriate use of information and communications technology.

The association was established in 1984 and has become the key influential professional association for those working in ICT in Education.

What do the letters 'N a a c e' stand for?
Originally the letters stood for 'National Association of Advisors for Computers in Education'. However in January 2004 we merged with MAPE, a primary community, and CEG, a secondary community, so we now have a broader membership with teachers, lecturers, consultants, inspectors and other ICT leaders in our membership. We use 'Naace' to describe all of our membership - not only advisers, and not only computers!

Join Naace

to join Naace

The Mouse and Keyboard

This is the term when many new students are introduced to new mice and keyboard skills ... there are lots of free resources to help in this task in these areas.

Are you Mouselexic?
F. mouselexia - The inability to use a mouse correctly. Some people are naturally "mouselexic," while others are struck with mouselexia only when an IT guru is looking over their shoulder. ;-)
Do a search on netLingo.com for "mouse" and look at all of the mouse jargon!

e.g. drunk mouse
When the pointer on your computer screen moves around wildly or irregularly, you are said to have a drunk mouse. This commonly happens when there is dirt inside the track ball area of your mouse.

Mouse Maintenance (Try this NOW)
To check your mouse, click and hold on the |Z| shown below.
Then drag the |Z| toward the |J|. If it doesn't work, you might want to clean your mouse.
 |Z| Stop fooling around and get back to work :-) |J|


Everything Google

In the main "Information Literacy" section on Shambles is a section called "Everything Google" ... you've probably heard of Google ... small search engine that has potential. ;-)

If you are running any courses with students which mention Google then you will find the links in this section of practical use. ... GUARANTEED or your money back !

... and specifically for the librarians reading this (one of my favourite groups of people) ... have a look at the link that mentions the new newsletter that Google is going to send out 4 times a year ... specifically for librarians ... and sign up.

International Schools Websites - Showcased

Bangkok Patana School : Website Supporting I.B. Biology
John Burrell, teacher at Bangkok Patana School, attended a TechEX 2003 Dreamweaver course and then went on to develop a site that provides support for an IB Biology course.

The site combines webpages built in Dreamweaver with Flash Movies. Recent additions to the site include the use of Blogs for interactive homework and discussion pages.

At its core the site systematically addresses the syllabus statements. Text is reduced when possible to a set of key points. Images and animations are used throughout the site for illustration. Quick check questions allow the student to check their understanding and the site has a 'good reading' guide and a 'short article' section.
There are links to homework blogs and also to teacher feedback blogs. The site is a project in progress with much more proof reading still to take place. The next few months should see the completion of the core areas.


Advertising on Shambles

Not many schools have taken up the advertising options on 'Shambles' which is a surprise as our pages do come up high in search engines.

'Shambles' is a free service because of sponsorship and advertising ... your support would be appreciated .. email me for more details if interested csmith@csmith.info

Support Shambles with a donation (through PayPal) if you feel suitable - many thanks if you do  .... Chris
English Schools Foundation (Hong Kong) Photographs

For the 24 years from 1978 to 2002 I worked with The English Schools Foundation (a group of 16 International Schools) in Hong Kong ... most of the time as Head of the ESF Professional Teachers Centre with responsibilities for INSET (CPD) and (later) ICT.

During this time I took thousands of photographs. I've now archived almost 5,000 of these images online so they hopefully serve as an historical snapshot for part of the ESF's life. Some staff may well enjoy a walk down memory lane.

The archive allows you to add your own comments to each individual picture ... I'm hoping that if you recognise yourself or others in a photograph then you will add your own personal memories of that moment.


You may use any of the images for your own individual private needs .... for any other uses then please contact me (Chris Smith) for details and permission.

If you have any pictures yourself, in a digital format, that you would like displayed then please just send them to me with a description.

Amazing Grades
http://demo.amazing-grades.com/?ID=7 : "The intelligent way to use the Internet for learning"

Amazing Grades helps students and teachers find education sites they can trust - fast and first time.

It guides users to over 20,000 secure, safe, high quality web resources that have been meticulously rated, reviewed and hand picked for the value and accuracy of their content.
All the resources listed on the site are classified according to learning styles, learning levels and resource type. There’s also a "Real Life" section to offer advice on studying, higher education, health, fitness and general happiness, as well as practical gap year advice.

"With Amazing Grades, you only get resources relevant to the curriculum and relevant to you. It is a creative and academically rigorous way to use the power of the Internet for effective teaching and learning."

New features for 2005-2006
• Add your own content
• Assess student’s learning styles
• Amazing Words - Audio Guides on multiple subjects (iPod and MP3 format)

Launching in November: Amazing Music – My record label. It’s a simple to use web-based system which allows musicians to share their recordings with their peers, teachers and parents. CLICK HERE to keep me updated.
Coming soon: e-portfolio Amazing Me – everything I have ever done, everything I am about to achieve. CLICK HERE to keep me updated.

click here to go to the Amazing Grades website

to request a free
Information Pack
and subscription rates

Amazing Grades is a
cross-curricular resource focused on the syllabuses for GCSEs, iGCSEs, Highers, A and AS/A2 levels and the IB

Every time a student uses Amazing Grades they are undertaking an exercise in research and boosting their key skills in ICT.

International Baccalaureate : I.B.

The I.B. section on Shambles at www.shambles.net/ib continues to grow ... many thanks to all who have contributed.

New I.B. Director General Appointed
The Council of Foundation has appointed Jeffrey R Beard as the new director general, to take the helm of the organization in 2006 after the retirement of George Walker.
Mr Beard became director general designate from 1 September 2005 and will formally assume his role as director general from 1 January 2006.

New IB world schools
A list of schools who are newly authorized to offer the IB programmes can be found at this webpage.

www.unescobkk.org/index.php?id=3334 and www.unescobkk.org/index.php?id=3327

Telecollaboration Training Fosters E-learning in Schools in the ASEAN Region

As part of the UNESCO “Strengthening ICT in Schools and SchoolNet in ASEAN Setting” project, a training session was recently provided for teachers which aimed to assist them in learning to facilitate telecollaboration (sharing knowledge through the internet) with their students, and how this enhances teaching and learning. The telecollaboration activities that are undertaken as part of the above-mentioned project are referred to under the broad title of “ASEAN Bridges of Learning”.

During their training, teachers learned to use “Learning Circles”, an e-learning activity which brings together teachers and students over the internet to collaborate on investigative activities, involving the sharing of information and experiences.

The “Learning Circles” concept was developed by Margaret Riel

Telecollaboration Training Fosters E-learning in Schools in the ASEAN Region
click here for

The telecollaboration training was followed by the first round of Learning Circles in the ASEAN (Association of South-East Asian Nations) region.
Teachers and students from Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines and Thailand participated in this pilot round.

Battle of the Books (Hong Kong)

Battle of the Books Gains Momentum in Hong Kong

The 4th annual Hong Kong Battle of the Books championship was held at Australian International School on May 9th 2005. KGV and CAIS both retained their championships for the third year in a row at the middle and primary levels respectively. However, their stranglehold on the crown appeared to be loosening as the field of competitors grows! It is obvious that many have learned that the secret to success is to READ!

Oh the difference a year can make! New schools competing last year were West Island , Shatin College , Yew Cheung, and Kellett. They joined Christian Alliance International, Australian International, German Swiss, and King George V to round out a full day of competitions. Many new schools have already expressed interest in being involved this year.

Next Hong Kong Battle of Books is 17th May 2006 : venue GSIS

A (ed. "brilliant") HKBOB manual has been written : CLICK HERE (Word 300KB)
For a list of titles at each level for 2005-06 CLICK HERE (Word 70KB)

KGV MS Champs 2005 moderators and hosts CAIS Primary Champions 2005 Hong Kong Battle of the Books Logo
click images for a larger version

for more details contact
Bryant McEntire - FIS fislibrary@yahoo.com

ePortfolios for students and staff

'ePortfolios' and 'Webfolios' are a growing addition to the tools available for assessment, recording and reporting. (A,R&R)
The ePortfolio section on 'Shambles' links to over 25 sites that have information, resources, rubrics and examples ...
....... and to see my own online ePortfolio then visit www.shambles.net/csmith/

ePortfolios for students and staff

For fun ... I've produced tee-shirts with a theme of "EDUCAUTION" ... see some of the examples at www.shambles.net/shop
If you have a "prompt line and response" you'd like on one of these shirts then just email the text to me ... I'll make it for you ... but you'll have to buy it online yourself.
Putting "U" into "Education



International Schools WORLDWIDE .. database now LIVE online
ISC has launched its new comprehensive online service for mapping, analysing, targeting and contacting over 3000 English-medium international schools worldwide. Single or multiple user subscriptions are available to suppliers, service organisations and parents. The service is free to schools.

BBC Digital Curriculum (BBC jam)

The BBC's digital curriculum service is planned for launch in January 2006. It will be a free, curriculum-based, online service for 5-16 year olds, designed to stimulate learning both at home and through school, and will be particularly aimed at those least likely to succeed through more conventional educational approaches.
Keep an eye on this resource .. it has the potential to be extremely useful.

TechEx 2005 (Conf / Exhib / Workshops)
11th November 2005 - venue: Bangkok Patana International School, Bangkok, Thailand
This takes place NEXT WEEK ... and membership is full (500)
TechEX 2005, a forum for educators to exchange ideas, skills and experiences with others from across Thailand and the region. This is the only ICT conference in Southeast Asia specifically aimed at all teachers in international schools ... and looks like being a brilliant event.
A list of the presentations available can be seen at www.patana.ac.th/TechEx/presentations.asp

"SHAMBLES" will be there (I'm offering a presentation on Science & ICT) ... I'll have a few free t-shirts/polos .. just ask me for one ...
BUT the stipulation is that you must wear it sometime during the day. !
For those attending: if you are looking for instructions to give to a Thai taxi driver then go to www.patana.ac.th/School/Location.shtml

School Policies Website
This is a 'recently revitalised' website that offers free access to all sorts of 'real' school policies (but still early days so the database is growing). This has the potential of saving educators a great deal of time ... if you have any of your own school policies that you are able to share then please consider emailing them to this site.

TESOL (Conf / Exhib / Workshops)
In Chiangmai, Thailand 19 to 21 January 2006

Send a picture to be displayed on the front page of www.shambles.net
On the front page of the Shambles website is displayed a large image which changes every time the page is refreshed or when you visit next time.
You can see all the images together at www.shambles.net/randomimages
The image is taken at random from a 'pool' of images .... if you have a picture of your school or students / children that you would like to go in this group of images for display then just send it to me by email ... Chris Smith csmith@csmith.info

Shambles Poster for Staffroom Noticeboards : Full of I.T.
It would be appreciated if you could download and print out this A4 notice for your staffroom noticeboard.

That's IT
The next newsletter will be 8th February 2006 .... Merry Christmas ;-)
(XMAS links)


Any feedback you can give about this newsletter is always appreciated .... especially ideas or contributions for future editions ...

If you know of any new international schools opening in the region - Brunei Burma/Myanmar Cambodia China Hong Kong (HKSAR) India Indonesia Japan Laos Macau Malaysia Philippines Singapore South Korea Taiwan Thailand Vietnam - then please let me know csmith@csmith.info

email Chris Smith

ePortfolio at www.shambles.net/csmith
Thought for the day ...
"What if there were no hypothetical situations?"

If you know of any commercial companies or organisations that might be interested in sponsoring a future newsletter then please feel free to forward this newsletter to them .... many thanks.

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To subscribe to future editions (if not already subscribed) just send a blank email to
To unsubscribe send a blank email to newsletter-unsubscribe@shambles.net

Shambles Newsletters Archives are at www.shambles.net/newsletter

use this box to search on Shambles or on the www : (powered by Google) : safe filtering is ON
Web Shambles Website

| Shambles Home | Brunei Schools : bn | Burma/Myanmar Schools : mm | Cambodia Schools : kh | China Schools : cn | Hong Kong Schools : hk | India Schools : in | Indonesia Schools : id | Japan Schools : jp | Laos Schools : la | Macau Schools : mo | Malaysia Schools : my | Philippines Schools : ph | Singapore Schools : sg | South Korea Schools : kr | Taiwan Schools : tw | Thailand Schools : th | Vietnam Schools : vn | contact webmaster (Chris Smith) |
