1. Time Line 2. Background 3. NOF (UK) v Teach Cert.(ICAA)
4. TTA Outcomes 5. NOF Programme 6. ICAA Teach Certificate
7. - 8. Assessment 9. Freq.Asked Questions
10. ICAA Site 11. OnLine Course 12. ESF ICT Support Assessors

Information Technology : ESF Teachers

ICAA Teachers Certificate

The ESF is using the NOG/TTA Outcomes to plan and evaluate the 3 year ICT INSET programme.

In the UK ICAA have also developed an ICT Teachers Certificate that can be assessed against criteria using a portfolio as the method of collecting evidence.

ICAA would then assess the portfolios and issue Teachert Certificates if they demonstrate the criteria have been satisfied.

The ESF is NOT using the Teacher certification Scheme . B U T ..... there are elements of it (portfolios, assessment criteria) that schools may wish to use is they plan their own INSET programmes rather than individual staff simply working through the online materials.

Purely for interest ..

The Scheme is Split into Four Levels

Entry Level

certified by ICAA & endorsed by Univ.of Southampton suitable for all teachers teachers produce a portfolio or work related to their subjects and phase of education e.g. a scheme or schemes of work

Subject Specialist Level

certified by ICAA & endorsed by Univ.of Southampton suitable for a teacher who already has personal ICT skills and wishes to extend them into the development of materials for specific areas of their subject. The materials should be written so available for use by others, so should include guidance documentation. teachers should be able to discriminate between when,when not and how to use ICT in lessons.

Co-ordinator Level

certified by the University of Southampton & Endorsed by ICAA awarded 'Cert. of Advanced Educ.Studies' & have a "CAT" score against a Masters degree move away from ICT within a specific subject looks at methods of implementing ICT within a specific situation suitable for ICT co-ordinators or aspiring co-ordinators anticipated the bulk of this protfolio available in electronic format as well as traditional

Management Level

certified by the University of Southampton & endorsed by ICAA awarded 'Cert. of Advanced Educ.Studies' & have a "CAT" score against a Masters degree designed for the teacher who wishes to gain a prof. qual. specifically in ICT, Ed.Mngmnt., Curr.Dev., or Distance Learning teachers will negotiate a project that involves research & development. anticipated 12 month project with a dissertation 15,000-20,000 words. teacher in regular contact with a Supervisory Tutor

What will be in a portfolio?

No set 'amount of work' but typically it will consist of: Lesson Plans Sample materials produced to support lessons

e.g. worksheets, screen images. Possibly some of the teachers' own ICT work e.g. done on INSET