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Sunday 16 March 2025
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This page is designed to provide help for (USA) teachers who have been working overseas and are considering retirement .... in the USA or abroad.

Most retirement advice seems to be 'money related' ... this page is going to have that bias as well ... but please note that there is an area on "Shambles" with links to some 'lifestyle' websites. CLICK HERE.

" U.S. citizens are the only people who have to file a domestic income tax return, no matter where they are in the world and if their world wide income is over $7,800 (single) $15.600 (married) they have to do so even if retired.  If they become self employed, they still have to pay social security tax on their net profit over $400, even if retired from regular work.
With homeland security becoming even tighter, they may never be able to come back to the United States without current tax documents.  So between airport strip searches and computerized financial searches once a person lives abroad they may decide to stay there." (David Wisdom)

This page is still being researched .... but it looks like the main advice might be to talk with a professional or ask for advice from the nearest USA Embassy or Consulate.
(any suggestions from recent retirees would be appreciated contact Chris Smith csmith@csmith.info )

The USA Inland Revenue Service is well known by USA Citizens:
For FAQs about Aliens and U.S. Citizens Living Abroad CLICK HERE
For the IRS advice on Retirement Plans CLICK HERE
forms to download -
- Full list of IRS Forms and Publications
- IRS Publication 571 - 403(b) (pdf file 131k) Tax Sheltered Annuity Plans
- IRS Publication 575 - 457 (pdf file 214k) Pension and Annuity Income
- IRS Publication 590 - (pdf file 77k) Rollovers and Individual Retirement Arrangements (IRAs)

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The Shambles.NET Home Page: curating and sharing - teaching and learning experiences ... managed by Chris Smith (Shamblesguru)


Financial Online "live" Calculators
compound interest
Should you rent or buy a house?
What does it take to be a millionaire?
Paying off my Mortgage
.. and dare I offer you a 'life expectancy online calculator

Please note that all this information is for guidance only and to help you clarify your own situation by giving you contact details of the organisations that are empowered to advise you professionally.

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