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Sunday 16 March 2025
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This page is designed to provide help for (UK) teachers working overseas & considering retirement.

Most retirement advice seems to be 'money related' ... this page is going to have that bias as well ... but please note that there is an area on "Shambles" with links to some 'lifestyle' websites. CLICK HERE.

If you are a UK teacher that has been teaching overseas and thinking of retirement, either in the UK or still overseas, then you should be aware of at least two pensions you are possibly entitled to :

  • State Pension (usually age 65)
    • to find out what you are entitled upon retirement write to the Inland Revenue National Insurance Contributions Office, ask for your "pension forecast & contributions update" - you can also use the application form BR 19 CLICK HERE to download (63KB pdf format)
    • their replies are extremely comprehensive, information and helpful - obviously an efficient department - you may be able to pay some missed years and improve your final pension.
    • Revenue National Insurance Contributions Office, International Services, Room BP1301, Benton Park View Longbenton, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE98 1ZZ, England
  • Teachers Pensions (usually age 60)
    • if you previously worked in the UK as a teacher for at least 2 years then you may well qualify for the "Teachers' Pension" .. which is separate from the UK State Pension
    • they have a website at http://www.teacherspensions.co.uk
    • they also have a department that will provide you with an "Estimate of Retirement Benefits"
    • Write to : Teachers' Pensions, Mowden Hall, Darlington, DL3 9EE, England
    • Teachernet (UK) has a useful update on this topic at www.teachernet.gov.uk/pensions/

Support Shambles with a donation (through PayPal) if you feel suitable - many thanks if you do  .... Chris

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The Shambles.NET Home Page: curating and sharing - teaching and learning experiences ... managed by Chris Smith (Shamblesguru)



  1. don't wait until just before you retire to write to these departments - do it NOW - they provide a great service for free!
  2. the teachers' pension is based on your last UK salary ... which might suggest that if you have been overseas for a long time then going back to the UK to teach for a year before you are 60 might be beneficial - you are recommended to investigate this.
  3. when writing to the above organisations give them as much information as possible including your National Insurance number.

The Teachers Support Network (UK) - Services for Retired Teachers

The UK Teacher Support Network is a national charity that provides practical and emotional support to teachers and lecturers (both serving and retired) and their families, regardless of age, length of service or union affiliations.
Their service has been created to take some of the anxiety out of the difficult situations teachers may face in retirement or when caring for an older relative.
Help is offered in several areas : Looking for a "Care Home", Long Term Care, Working after Retirement,
Financial Assistance, Befriending.

Financial Calculators
compound interest
Should you rent or buy a house?
What does it take to be a millionaire?
Paying off my Mortgage
.. and dare I offer you a 'life expectancy online calculator

Please note that all this information is for guidance only and to help you clarify your own situation by giving you contact details of the organisations that are empowered to advise you professionally.

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