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Wednesday 26 March 2025
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This page explains the reason for the "Our School" concept on the Shambles website.
This concept started as a result of feedback from the site visitors; comments, especially from subject teachers, pointed out that material related to their own subject was often scattered around the website and was not always easy to find.

The challenge for "Our School" was therefore to create one menu that would record the links for each curriculum area all in the same place .... so whatever your specialty or interest then you can have one main page to focus on or bookmark.

The project started off with a main menu of a simple floor plan of an imaginary school with live links to other pages on the Shambles website.

Click on the image on the right to experience this first project

A 3D "Flash File" with all the menus in English was the second development ... click on the image on the right for this rather
pleasant and user friendly menu

Please support Shambles with a donation (through PayPal) towards the running costs ...  many thanks if you do  .... Chris Smith (Shamblesguru)
The third part of the project was to replace the English with Thai menus ... but please remember that eventually all the links go to pages written in English .... click on the image on the right to visit our school with Thai menus.


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