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Saturday 22 February 2025
Shambles Newsletter May 2005
Welcome to the ninth edition of the termly
SHAMBLES newsletter
designed to be of relevance to International Schools in S.E.Asia (& friends)
for aims, purpose & mailing policy

Apologies if you have received more than one copy of the notice of the newsletter -
To subscribe to the newsletter just send a blank email to newsletter-subscribe@shambles.net

CLICK HERE to download a summary "Word.doc" version of the May 2005 newsletter (156KB)

INDEX (in no specific order)

Welcome SEAMC : Mathematics Competition
Subject Departments - Resources International Schools Websites
Simulations and Games Advertising on the Shambles website
Indemnity e-Strategy UK
School Calendar 2005-2006 (to print) Librarians Conference in Hong Kong
Interactive WhiteBoard Online Conf. I.B. PALMS
Australia and New Zealand New Teachers (induction)
Scavenger Hunts and WebQuests Copyright : New Definitions
Leadership Online Course The Water Cycle
Applied Educational Leadership and Management | An online course from the Institute of Education, University of London | 30 June application deadline for next cohort
International School Consultancy (ISC) Database : over 2700 international schools world-wide
AMAZON .. it used to be just books .. now it's just everything !....  check for elearning books
if you are getting lots of junk mail then this is an excellent solution (a personal recommendation : I use it all the time ! - Chris S)
Apple Computers : wonderful solutions for education ... in particular multimedia

'The Education Project Asia" is a consultancy designed to offer support to International Schools in S.E.Asia ... particularly in the area of integration of ICT across the curriculum.

Apart from maintaining the "Shambles" website I also provides on-site support to schools in the area of "ICT Across The Curriculum" .. ICT Reviews / audits / staff inservice / inset / parents evening /

Subjects & Departments on Shambles .... now Performing Arts and Media Studies

The modifications on the Shambles website continues in response to feedback ... new sections have been recently completed for ... Performing Arts and Media Studies

Try your own subject or interest area by clicking here :
| Assessment Recording and Reporting | International Baccalaureate | Games | Photography | Headteacher or Senior Manager |
| School Counsellors/careers staff | School Nurses | Art and Design | Design and Technology | English | ESL |
| Economics and Business Studies | Information Literacy | Information Technology | Geography | History | Mathematics | Music |
| Modern Foreign Languages | Physical Education | Religious Education | Science | SEN |The School Library |
| The ICT Technician Room |
... and (for primary / K-6) a 'Topics' area.

Simulations and Games
www.shambles.net/games - http://tinyurl.com/7swp4

Over the past few months the "Games" section" on SHAMBLES has gone from strength to strength ... many thanks to the contributors ... check it out ... games to support most curriculum areas.

One of the recently added links is to the Simulation of an IT Department which starts off ... " The IT manager - overworked and under appreciated. You know the story. Back in school, always the last to be picked for football, but the first one they ran to when they accidentally deleted a homework assignment."

Indemnity ( Release, Waiver of Liability and Indemnity Agreements)

An email from a Principal last term brought to my attention that there were no resources on the Shambles website to help when writing Indemnity forms.

There is a section now - if you have an indemnity form in your own school that you are willing to share then please let me know csmith@csmith.info

"Shambles takes absolutely no responsibility for bad actions resulting from the reading or digestion of this newsletter or for any resultant changes in the weather"

a potentially explosive topic
School Calendar 2005 - 2006 ... to print out

Forward Planning
Calendar templates for 2005-2006 as Microsoft Word documents are now available for downloading.
Designed to be printed on A3 size paper, landscape & best in colour.

Not only is there a blank version for you to customise but also one withThailand Public Holidays and one with the English Schools Foundation (Hong Kong) term and holiday dates on it.

Also versions with USA Federal Holidays .... and one with holidays for England and Wales

click this image to download a school calendar 2004-2005 .. for printing onto A3 size paper
Interactive Whiteboard Online Conference 10 –22 October 2005
www.iwb.net.au/ or email: info@iwb.net.au

If you missed the IWB Convention in Hong Kong last month then you should find the following opportunity of interest. IWBNet, with the support of the University of Hull will be conducting between 10 –22 October 2005 the first global, online conference on the use of IWBs in schooling.

IWBNet 2005 will examine the latest developments world wide with interactive whiteboards (IWBs) that can improve teaching and learning.

Interactive WhiteBoard areas on Shambles are at:
• General IWB Information : www.shambles.net/pages/staff/intwhiteb
• List of free software and content for IWBs : www.shambles.net/pages/staff/IWBcontent

Australia and New Zealand
www.primaryschool.com.au - www.teachers.work.co.nz - www.edna.edu.au

OK ... so Australia and New Zealand are not in S.E.Asia (some would argue otherwise) but they are so close and have some wonderful materials, that can help International Schools, that it is about time I mentioned some.

Primary School www.primaryschool.com.au
Australia : Free Primary School Lesson Plans & Education Resources and an excellent free weekly email newsletter containing reviews of websites.
Mark Treadwell's 'Teachers @ Work" www.teachers.work.co.nz
New Zealand : kia ora (Greetings) - another excellent website with a lot of local cultural materials (as do the other two sites here). The newsletter contains not only links to websites but also 'teachers tools' and 'research' info.
EdNA - Education Network Australia www.edna.edu.au
EdNA Online is a service that aims to support and promote the benefits of the Internet for learning, education and training in Australia. It is organised around Australian curriculum, its tools are free to Australian educators, and it is funded by the bodies responsible for education provision in Australia - all Australian governments.
EdNA offers several regular emailed newsletters each customised to a specific audience e.g. early childhood, schools, higher educators etc.
EdNA also has calendars for Australian Schs www.edna.edu.au/edna/noticeboards

Australia and New Zealand Websites

Virtual Tours, Scavenger Hunts and WebQuests
www.shambles.net/pages/school/vtour/ - www.shambles.net/pages/staff/hunts/
www.shambles.net/pages/learning/ict/webquests/ - www.shambles.net/pages/staff/WebProject/

"A WebQuest is an inquiry-oriented activity in which most or all of the information used by learners is drawn from the Web. WebQuests are designed to use learners' time well, to focus on using information rather than looking for it, and to support learners' thinking at the levels of analysis, synthesis and evaluation."

It appears that the use of webquests has been used as a learning resource by USA curriculum schools before others. Often teachers evolve through using virtual field trips and scavenger hunts before stepping into the world of WebQuests themselves.

WebQuests were the original conception of Bernie Dodge from San Diego State University. The original WebQuest site can be accessed at http://webquest.sdsu.edu/webquest.html there are now many other sites.
A UK site, WebQuestUK at www.webquestuk.org.uk/, holds true to the original concept but attempts to link quests to the UK National Curriculum.

Applied Educational Leadership and Management : Online Course

An online course from the Institute of Education, University of London
30 June application deadline for next cohort
This internationally focused course is suitable for senior managers in schools and colleges or in government or other agencies concerned with schooling.
The course is made up of four modules and a dissertation supported by specially written materials and additional readings. Groups of 10 students work together online under the guidance of a personal tutor.

Students studying these programmes:

  • will consider strategies to improve educational organisations and reflect on the values that underpin them.
  • will gain a critical understanding of the policy context of education and its practice.
  • will be encouraged to reflect on key areas of theory and empirical research relating to their own unique work environment.
  • will develop a greater appreciation of their own and colleagues' professional development needs .
  • will be taught using innovative computer conferencing within a purpose-designed Virtual Learning Environment

to download a poster for the staffroom noticeboard click here (pdf file 500KB)
to download a comprehensive detailed leaflet click here (pdf file 213KB)
to see a sample of one of the sessions click here (Word .doc 23KB)


SEAMC : South East Asia Mathematics Competition : 2005 and 2006

The 5th annual South East Asian Mathematics Contest took place at Dulwich International College, Phuket on 25, 26 February 2005. The contest attracted 38 teams (114 students) from 22 international schools across SE Asia - its biggest entry yet.

Island School, Hong Kong was victorious, winning the Warry Cup for the 3rd year out of 5. In fact not only did our team of Tiffany Lau, Min Ha Lee and Kelvin Ng (all year 10 students) win the team competition, but our other team - Michael Brown, Yuan Zhang (both year 11) and Frederick Law (year 9) came second! Never before has the same school come first and second in the contest. A team from Australian International School, Singapore came third and Garden International School, Kuala Lumpur were fourth.

In the individual contest, Island School had 4 students in the top 10, and Tiffany Lau was the winner. Second was Vivian Tong, German Swiss International school, Hong Kong. In third place Low Zhen LIN, Garden International, KL and Kelvin Ng of Island School, HK was fourth.

SEAMC Competition in 2005 .. in Thailand :presentation by Johnny Ball

The 2006 Competition will be in Hong Kong
Provisional dates are
24 - 26 Feb. 200

Check with Paul Jackson at Island Sch.

International Schools Websites - Showcased

Beijing City International School
BCIS school does not open until August 2005 but it already has a rather different website. It is made with 'Flash" and makes use of children's voices in the main menu .... but have patience as it is a little slow to load unless you have a fast connection.

Normally I do not like music on websites, but it seems to work here ... and you do have the ability to turn it off.

Advertising on Shambles

Not many schools have taken up the advertising options on 'Shambles' which is a surprise as our pages do come up high in search engines.

'Shambles' is a free service because of sponsorship and advertising ... your support would be appreciated .. email me for more details if interested csmith@csmith.info

e-Strategy UK : March 2005

On 15 March 2005, the Department for Education and Skills (UK) published the
e-Strategy 'Harnessing Technology: Transforming learning and children's services'.

This UK strategy describes the use of digital and interactive technologies to achieve a more personalised approach within all areas of education and children's services. It is an ambitious strategy covering all sectors for the next five years and beyond.

The aim in five years time, by using a more strategic approach,  is to build the common ground that brings all education and children's services to the critical baseline of being able to use the technology effectively.

It is designed to harness technology to the needs of children, learners, parents, teachers, carers, employers and all stakeholders. We are only able to do this if we are clear about what we want as well what we need, and how by using ICT this will be achieved.

International Association of School Librarianship Conference in Hong Kong : 8-12 July 2005

The theme of the 33rd IASL Conference is: Information leadership in a culture of change ... venue University of Hong Kong

The conference will focus on five key sub themes: information literacy, information policy, knowledge management, social responsibility, and leadership.

Even the pre-conference hands-on workshops are attractive on their own ... on Friday 8th : "Collection Evaluation" and "Assessing Information Literacy: Cycles of Inquiry"

33rd IASL Conference in Hong Kong
click logo for more info

Registration Details Here
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ibpalms   carolynsinclair@cdnis.edu.hk

IBPALMS is an organisation dedicated to supporting Librarians and Media Specialists in International Baccalaureate schools in the Asia Pacific Region.

IBPALMS has offered conferences (traditionally every two years) in Penang, Singapore and most recently in March 2003 in Beijing. This year, we will be hosting Workshops for the IB programs during the IASL Conference during July in Hong Kong, not only for schools currently running the IB, but also for schools that are considering becoming an IB School. Our next conference has been approved by the IBAP for March 2006 in Osaka, Japan.

If you are a Teacher Librarian in an IB school in the AsiaPacific region, we would like to invite you to join our Yahoo group which provides a support network for Teacher Librarians to discuss issues pertaining to libraries in the Asia Pacific region as well as a support network whether for curriculum development, purchasing resources or locating suppliers.

Advice for New Teachers

Another academic year is coming to a close (at least north of the equator) and the recruitment exercises for the new year are being completed.

Many schools already have information to help induct teachers into the new environment and possibly into new cultures making the move a double challenge.

In this "Shambles" area there are links to a number of websites and resources that could help with this task.

Copyright : more options

It used to be straight forward when there was just the plain old copyright symbol - 2025 even though it was not much practical use .. you could either use the work or not.

Creative Commons (USA) took up the challenge to offer creators of digital materials more choices than just "open to all with no control " or " open to no one "
Free for Education (Australia) has a number of different licence symbols specifically for education.
The Creative Archive (UK) "is a new BBC led initiative to provide access to public service audio and video archives in a way that allows the British public to find, share, watch, listen and re-use the archive as a fuel for their own creative endeavours. In other words, you can rip, mix and share the BBC."

Creative Commons (USA) | Free for Education (Australia) | Creative Archive Licence Group (UK) |

The Water Cycle

This US Geological Survey department has produced a new resource to support a topic that is taught in classrooms all over the world : The Water Cycle.

The reason for mentioning it here is that they have produced not only an impressive illustration but they have versions available in over 50 languages.

The Water Cycle in Thai

| Chinese | Hindi | Japanese | Korean | Lao | Malayalam | Malay | Punjabi | Sindhi | Tamil | Telugu | Thai | Urdu | Vietnamese |
If your language is not here then check out the main page http://ga.water.usgs.gov/edu/watercycle.html

There is a downloadable version for teachers without any text plus a test diagram and finally the option to follow a drip through the water cycle ... and all free.

For fun ... I'm producing tee-shirts with a theme of "EDUCAUTION" ... see some of the examples at www.shambles.net/shop
If you have a "prompt line and response" you'd like on one of these shirts then just email the text to me ... I'll make it for you ... but you'll have to buy it online yourself.
Putting "U" into "Education



CASE Conference : Marketing and Development for Schools www.case.org/conferences/bangkok/default.cfm
9-10 May 2005 The Landmark Hotel, Bangkok .... in one week !
This a a reminder/follow up from the last newsletter ....
Practitioners will learn about the theory and practice of the essential components of development, marketing, alumni relations and philanthropy, but the conference will also have a management and strategic component of appeal to school Board members and Heads.

Thailand TESOL's International Conference

Next years dates for this event have now been set for 19th to 21st January 2006

email the new Pope : Pope Benedict XVI
Got a prayer or a problem for the new pope? Now you can e-mail him.

Teacher Recruitment

Next term will be when teachers start to consider if it's time to move (or not) .. you will find lots of recruitment help on this shambles page and also the dates of the recruitment fairs on the Shambles Calendar

Shambles Poster for Staffroom Noticeboards
It would be appreciated if you could download and print out this A4 notice for your staffroom.

TechEx (Conf / Exhib / Workshops) ... reminder for next term's diary
11th November 2005 - venue: Bangkok Patana International School, Bangkok, Thailand
One to add to your diary ... where-ever you are in Asia
TechEX 2005, a forum for educators to exchange ideas, skills and experiences with others from across Thailand and the region. This is the only ICT conference in Southeast Asia specifically aimed at all teachers in international schools.
P.S. I hope to be offering a session on "Free Science Resource (k-12) with an ICT Bias"

Educational Psychologists, Occupational Therapists and Speech Therapists

SHAMBLES has a list of Ed.Psychs in Asia who are available to work in schools ... but not many countries are covered.
If you have an independent Ed.Psych., O.T. or Speech Therapists working in your school that you recommend and would like to be listed on this page then please ask them to send me an email csmith@csmith.info

Asia Soccer Academy in Indonesia
ASA aimed at developing a child's soccer skills.

Maekok River Village Outdoor Education Centre in Thailand
After 3 years this outdoor education centre seems to be going from strength to strength with over 1,000 students having visited this year alone.
For an update on the opportunities go to the website or view this Word document (25KB)
For recent pictures related to community work click on : building a village or students teaching English.

That's IT
The next newsletter will be 2nd November 2005 .... have an enjoyable summer


Any feedback you can give about this newsletter is always appreciated .... especially ideas or contributions for future editions ...

If you know of any new international schools opening in the region - Brunei Burma/Myanmar Cambodia China Hong Kong (HKSAR) India Indonesia Japan Laos Macau Malaysia Philippines Singapore South Korea Taiwan Thailand Vietnam - then please let me know csmith@csmith.info

email Chris Smith


"I try to take one day at a time, but sometimes several days attack me at once."

If you know of any commercial companies or organisations that might be interested in sponsoring a future newsletter then please feel free to forward this newsletter to them .... many thanks.

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To subscribe to future editions (if not already subscribed) just send a blank email to
To unsubscribe send a blank email to newsletter-unsubscribe@shambles.net

Shambles Newsletters Archives are at www.shambles.net/newsletter

use this box to search on Shambles or on the www : (powered by Google) : safe filtering is ON
Web Shambles Website

| Shambles Home | Brunei Schools : bn | Burma/Myanmar Schools : mm | Cambodia Schools : kh | China Schools : cn | Hong Kong Schools : hk | India Schools : in | Indonesia Schools : id | Japan Schools : jp | Laos Schools : la | Macau Schools : mo | Malaysia Schools : my | Philippines Schools : ph | Singapore Schools : sg | South Korea Schools : kr | Taiwan Schools : tw | Thailand Schools : th | Vietnam Schools : vn | contact webmaster (Chris Smith) |
