UNESCO Asia and Pacific Regional Bureau for Education and funded by Japanese Funds in Trust, have brought out two new publications ..... |
School Networking: ICT Lessons Learned Series Volume Two
School Networking synthesizes and analyzes the experiences of five Asian countries in networking schools, namely, Indonesia , Malaysia , Philippines , Singapore and Thailand . This publication provides specific lessons learned in the use of SchoolNets to revolutionize education and highlights best practices, along with recommendations for further improvements.
This volume is comprised of 8 booklets each covering a specific component of School Networking.
- looks at the rationale and objectives or “Why SchoolNet?;
- covers policy and development support;
- management, organizational structure, partnership and financial stability;
- infrastructure and connectivity;
- curriculum integration, content development and knowledge management services;
- services such as help-desks, troubleshooting and maintenance;
- teacher and personnel training; and
- research, monitoring and evaluation.
School Networking is the third in the series of publications that draw lessons learned and experiences from the SchoolNet Project.
The previous two publications in this series are entitled “SchoolNet Toolkit” and “Integration ICTs into Education: Lessons Learned”

Infoshare: Sources and Resources Bulletin, Volume 6, 2004/2005
INFOSHARE provides a special focus on ICT capacity-building for teachers and other education professionals. This issue examines projects currently underway in Asia, offering lessons learned on curriculum integration, knowledge management, pedagogical collaboration, and both content and policy development for ICT in Education.
For those with an interest in non-formal education and community empowerment, this issue of Infoshare looks at tactics for integrating ICT into literacy and skills development programmes.

The Asia-Pacific ICT in Education Programme is based on the fact that the rapid development of ICTs presents development agencies with a unique opportunity to make a major contribution to the expansion and reform of education in Asia and the Pacific and, therefore, help achieve the goals of EFA.
This programme shows how disparities in educational access and quality can be reduced with ICTs and how education systems can enhance the knowledge and skills of their learners, promoting creativity, critical thinking, decision-making, teamwork and lifelong learning.
The ICT in Education Programme involves sustainable ICT integration at all levels of the educational process with four major components. The policy component assists countries in the development of relevant ICT in Education policies and strategies, through capacity-building initiatives and the development of policy tools. The second component focus on teacher training and professional development .
The third component, on the integration of ICTs in schools and content development through the ASEAN SchoolNet Network. The fourth component, on ICT application for non-formal education , particularly in Community Learning Centres.
In addition, there are three supporting elements to the programme: a meta-survey providing invaluable data on ICT in Education; indicators development which looks at establishing appropriate monitoring procedures; and a clearinghouse which both disseminates project information and provides databases of information to support them. |
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Full titles:
UNESCO: School Networking:
A Collective Case Study of Five Asian Countries - Indonesia , Malaysia , Philippines , Singapore , Thailand
(ICT Lessons Learned Series Vol. 2. Bangkok :
UNESCO Asian and Pacific Bureau for Education, 2004. ISBN 92-9223-031-X
UNESCO: Infoshare: Sources and Resources Bulletin, Vol. 6, 2004/2005
These and other ICT in Education publications can be freely downloaded at:
School Networking: Lessons Learned Series Vol. 2: www.unescobkk.org/education/ict/v2/info.asp?id=17377
SchoolNet Toolkit:
Integrating ICTs into Education: Lessons Learned: www.unescobkk.org/education/ict/v2/info.asp?id=16158
Current and past issues of Infoshare: www.unescobkk.org/ips/ebooks/infoshare/infoshare.html
Asia-Pacific ICT in Education Programme:
Cedric Wachholz
ICT in Education Unit
UNESCO Asia and Pacific Regional Bureau for Education
March 2005
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