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Saturday 15 March 2025
Custom Search

Looking for pictures, photographs, images and clipart on the internet is a pretty big challenge for students, teachers and families. Not just because there is so much out there but because there is also a lot of undesireable material.

One recommended search engine to help is called "picsearch", the advantage being it has a compulsory "Family Filter" built in ......

"Under no circumstances is it possible for children to bypass our family filters since they were planned for from the outset and integrated into Picsearch's whole indexing system. Offensive content is easily eliminated by our specially designed filters before it can even enter our database. Unfortunately no filtering process is flawless. Therefore Picsearch is offering a picture removal service for removing single pictures. Should offensive pictures be discovered, Picsearch can be contacted through offensive@picsearch.com. Please make sure you describe where and how you found the picture, i.e. search query, results page, settings or the URL (Source), with which the offensive picture is associated so we can remove such content from our database and keep it family friendly."

So here it is for you to use - just type in your word and hit 'Search!"

 Advanced Search - Search Help - Preferences

For a "mega" list including FREE Clipart and Image sources CLICK HERE
Tutorial : "Searching the Internet for Images"


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