More schools are now purchasing laptops to be available on loan to teachers and students, here is some advice and guidance to help administer such a scheme.
If you use any part of these documents and links then please acknowledge the original source.
Policy Documents
Greenwich LEA (contact Martin Kilkie Head of e-learning and e-citizenship)
Agreement of Long term loan Laptops for Teachers Scheme 2002 (Word doc 32KB)
Stonehill High School (contact Simon Andrews)
Staff Laptop Loan Scheme (Word doc 21 KB)
Staff Laptop Policy (Word doc 28KB)
UK Laptop Scheme
Updated Guidance for the Laptops for Teachers (LfT) Initiative 2003 – 2004 (Word doc 430KB)
SCE : Service Children's Education (contact Steve Wallace,
ICT Manager,
Agreement for Loan of Laptop
Version 1.04 April 2 October 04
(Word doc 56KB)
Samuel Pepys Laptop Agreement, Cambridgeshire (contact Paul Springford NGfL Programme Manager)
This is an agreement modified by a Special School (SEN) (Word doc 22KB)
Sample, specimen agreement document for the loan of laptops to staff/teachers (Word doc 21KB)
Direct Links / URLs
- Laptop and Portables Area on "Shambles" :
- Main ICT area on "Shambles" :
- UK "Laptops for Teachers" Scheme :
How to purchase a portable computer : click here