Why have e-learning?

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They key benefits for learners :

  1. the learning is independent of time and location
  2. the rate of learning suits the individual, not the average for the group
  3. learning does not depend on having physical access to the learning resources
  4. learners do not have to be co-located with a tutor and fellow learners in order to interact with them
  5. learning does not have to be arranged around the availability of a tutor or classroom.

Learning in the 21st Century

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They key benefits for organisations :

  1. increased motivation
  2. better retention rates
  3. flexibility
  4. improved organisational capability
  5. increase sense of self-worth in employees

Learning in the 21st Century

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People are finding that e-learning can make a significant difference :

  1. to how quickly they master a skill
  2. to how easy it is to study
  3. to how much they enjoy learning

Towards a Unified e-learning Strategy
DfES Consultation Document
July 2003

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Governments are expecting e-learning to :

  1. raise standards
  2. improve the quality of learning
  3. remove barriers to learning
  4. better prepare people for employment
  5. help upskilling in the workplace
  6. ultimately ensuring that every learner achieves their full potential

Towards a Unified e-learning Strategy
DfES Consultation Document
July 2003

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email Chris at csmith@iESF.net or csmith@csmith.info
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