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Sunday 16 March 2025
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Badges always been a popular item to use in schools for reasons including :

  • rewarding students
  • school charity work
  • marketing
  • prefect system
  • parents evenings
  • camps
  • house systems
  • coding year groups
  • school fairs
  • fund raising

Mutiny Design are able to work with you to design and produce your own badges.

please note that all these badges were made by Mutiny Design
but some were designed by other designers

Costs vary depending of the quantity and also if it just involves making them from your own printouts or we do the actual design and printing as well as the construction.

As a guideline badges are about US$1.50 each ....postage is at cost. (clients are responsibile for any import or customs duties). Payment is expected with the order, a quotation can be emailed on request.

Please consider supporting Shambles with a donation (through PayPal) if you feel suitable - many thanks if you do .... Chris (Shamblesguru)

Follow me on Twitter : Shamblesguru

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The badges are 55mm diameter with a plastic back and metal pin.

The badge print area is a 55mm diameter circle but the cutting circle is 68mm diameter .... here are some templates that may help in your design :

| Apple Mac .pct (93kb) | Xara File (18kb) | jpeg (82kb) | gif (64kb) | Windows bitmap (705kb) |
make sure you print these out at 100% so the diameter of the inner image circle is 55mm

A great exercise with children is actually to hand out blank templates on paper and have them draw their own badge just using coloured pencil, crayon etc. .... but make sure they stay in the 55mm diameter circle.

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