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Tuesday 18 March 2025


"Teacher Created Materials" (TCM) is an educational publishing company founded in 1982 by two classroom teachers. All the products are "created by teachers for teachers and parents." ....

Books at the early childhood, elementary, middle school, and high school levels covering all aspects of the curriculum--language arts, social studies, math, science, technology, and the arts. In addition, they help teachers and parents create stimulating learning environments by producing colorful bulletin boards, stickers, awards, notepads, postcards, name tags, and incentive charts.

Teacher Created Materials provides professional development solutions to thousands of educators each year ... and can save teachers TIME!
They have an impressive history of growth, introducing hundreds of new products each year and reaching a worldwide market of over 45 countries.
Photo Alphabet Cards from TIME For Kids - help beginning readers build letter-sound relationships and reinforce letter identification. Use the photo cards to help young students explore sound patterns, engage in word play, and develop phonemic awareness. A 2-page Teacher's Guide is included along with 26 cards which measure 8 1/2'' x 11'' each. All bulletin board pieces are UV coated for extra durability. Computers Bulletin Board Display Set  - introduce students to common pieces of hardware with colorful illustrations and labels. A 4-page teacher resource guide is included. All pieces are UV coated for extra durability.  Weather Kid Pix Activity Kit -  Teacher Created Materials and Broderbund have combined famous Kid Pix tools with popular Thematic Units to add multimedia creativity to thematic teaching. Four ready-to-use thematic activities are offered at three different skill levels: pre-reading, emergent reading/writing, and primary reading/writing. Oral instructions accompany each activity screen, providing guidance to students as they work.   Product Catalog - Search by subject area, grade level, title, or keyword. Ordering is easy; delivery is fast! Through the online catalog you can order eBooks which you can download onto your computer for immediate access. Free Lessons and Activities - Download weekly lessons and brain teasers as well as monthly activities and teaching tips. Sample Pages - View and download sample pages from the products. This selection .. is just that - a small selection ... use the button on the right to visit the TCM itself ... (wenmaster's favourite resources are the ready made displays for noticeboards ... and the small incentive sticker toward students)

Teacher Created Materials
click the link above to visit the main TCM site
move up to tick
move your pointer over the images for more information ... but clicking will NOT do anything!
 Professional Development - Reach professional development goals through online courses, on-site training, and seminars.  Teachers' Forum - Link to over 1000 sites for teachers. Use the Discussion Board to ask questions and share ideas. The Exploring History series allows students to simulate historical events, read historical fiction, analyze primary source documents, and write persuasive essays. Curriculum Programs - Exploring Nonfiction, TIME For Kids Nonfiction Readers, Write Time for Kids, TechWorks®, TechTools™, Computer Activity Cards, URL Updates - Look here for updates to the Web sites mentioned in the books. TechWorks is an exciting program that helps teachers integrate technology skills into the curriculum for Grades K-8. It's the first comprehensive program to introduce technology skills at appropriate grade levels while linking them with other skills and concepts being taught. The complete TechWorks program consists of nine kits--one for each grade from Kindergarten through Grade 8. TechTools Resource Kits can help you and your students get the most out of the software you already have. They provide the answers that both beginners and

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