Librarians ICT INSET 2000-2002 : Membership
If you wish to be kept informed about this course please join the:
- 'mailing list' (listserv) which has been set up to help members of the course (and others who may be interested such as INSET co-ordinators) communicate using email.
- to join the listserv just send an email to ICTlibrarians-subscribe@egroups.com
- any email sent to ICTlibrarians@egroups.com is then retransmitted to all members of the group (once approved by the moderator)
- anyone can join this list not just course members
The Library Association (LAICT) website is at http://www.cant.ac.uk/ict/libict/
The KENT IT in Schools (KITSch) website is at http://www.cant.ac.uk/kitsch
This page was last updated 2 September 2001
- Sheila Crew (Head of Library, parttime) [LAICT username:sc4a] [ withdrawn Oct2000 ]
- Betty Ow (Librarian) [LAICT username:bo1a] [KITSch username:bo3k]
- Joe Wong (Library Assistant) [LAICT username:jw5a] [KITSch username:bo3k]
- Janet Ho
(Librarian) [LAICT username:jh10a] [withdrawn Jan2001]
- Carmen Wong
(Librarian) [-] [joined Sept 2001]
- Allison Cocks (Librarian) [LAICT username:ac3a] [KITSch username:ac40k]
- Dorothy Angell (Librarian) [LAICT username:da2a] [KITSch username:da5k]
- Jacinta Dougal
- [LAICT username:jd3a] [KITSch username:jd30k] returned
to UK 6-2001
- Susan Filer (replaced Jacinta Sept 2001) [module
4 onwards]
- Judith Robertshaw
(Lib Assis / parttime)[LAICT username:jr1a] [KITSch
- Anise Nasser - [LAICT username:an2a] [KITSch username:an11k]
- Janet Mann - [LAICT username:jm7a] [KITSch username:jm70k]
- Sue Dickson
[LAICT username:sd4a] [KITSch username:sd30k] returned
to UK 3-2001
- Jenni Proctor (New Librarian Rose St. 3-2001)[module 3 onwards]
- Sue Chan (Library Assistant)[LAICT username:sc5a] [KITSch username:sc62k]
- Chris Smith (Head of JCSRC & ICT Advisor) [ co-ordinator / username:cs1a] [KITSch username:cs50k]
- Louise Kay (JCSRC Librarian) [LAICT username:lk1a] [KITSch username:lk8k]
Other Hong Kong International Schools
- Jane Thomas (Librarian, Lower School)[LAICT username:jt1a] [KITSch username:jt40k]
- Ida Griffiths Zee Librarian/Senior School [LAICT username:ig1a] [KITSch username:ig4k]
- Carie Levin - [LAICT username:cl4a] [KITSch username:cl20k]
- Sally Jeans (Secondary Librarian) [LAICT username:sj2a]
- Stella Wong (Primary Librarian) [LAICT username:sw1a] [KITSch username:sw60k]
- Phoebe Wong (Secondary Librarian) [LAICT username:pw3a] [KITSch username:pw19k]
- Lucy Summers -(Library Manager) [LAICT username:jp2a] [KITSch username:ls43k]
- Jo Prior - [ withdrawn]