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 ESF INSET: ICT and Special Needs
This page outlines the additional support to Special Needs staff during the ICT INSET programme 1999-2002.
This is aimed at supporting SEN staff in the JCSRS and the 5 Special Units specifically SLD
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The email address for this course is SENICTatESF@yahoogroups.com

Page Updated 28th May 2001
[ICT@ESF Logo]


  • Although the main partners in the ICT training programme for ESF teaching staff is ICAA it is acknowledged that they do not provide specialist support for Special Needs.
    In response to this I negotiated with the JCSRS and also some of the UK SEN ICT approved trainers (in particular SEMERC and Inclusive Technology) and the text below outlines the additional ICT INSET for SEN staff at JCSRS & Units
    Funding for this programme has been approved and is confirmed .... please make a note of the dates for the 2 one-week visits.
    Chris Smith




  • the programme is based on the 12 SEN ICT Units developed by Inclusive Technology (staff to choose 5 from 12.. see below)
  • there are 2 one-week visits to Hong Kong, from Inclusive Technology staff to run sessions (see below)
  • each visit would be by a team of 2 Inclusive Technology staff facilitators
  • time between the visits for course members to complete their choice of the distance learning units
  • staff will receive a review of what is available with SEN and ICT and a chance for individual consultancy for their units before during and after using these resources with their learners


  • The materials will be distributed to course members in October 2000.
  • Click HERE to see what the course materials look like


  • School-based and Centre-based


  • the first two modules are compulsory, members have to choose three others from the ten available
  • all staff will have copies of all the units materials.
  • The Units are: (first two compulsory)
    • Communicating with colleagues, accessing information, finding resources Using email, forums and conferencing, finding and using curriculum resources, disability access, issues and standards for web resources, professional development, finding and sharing information on the Internet, using ICT to record and monitor progress.
    • Organising your resources Why and when and when not to use ICT, accessibility options and access resources in Windows, seating and positioning pupils and positioning equipment, the learning/working environment, health and safety issues, sources of information.
    1. Literacy and recording Using symbols, pictures, sound and photos to communicate, record work and achievement, and to write creatively.
    2. Literacy and recording - the written word Using ICT to support literacy across the curriculum, accessing writing, wordprocessing, voice input. Support strategies for writing: spellchecking, wordbanks and prediction. Accessing the written word: speech output, books.
    3. Language and communication Creating a communication environment, technology to support communication, software to support the development of language skills across the curriculum, communication technology and access to the curriculum, using ICT to produce communication materials.
    4. Identifying individual needs An introduction to choosing appropriate ICT and access for your pupils, developing a team approach.
    5. ICT resources for pupils with multiple disabilities MDVI, MSI and PMLD - finding and adapting resources for pupils with more than one disability. Creating and using multi-sensory environments, identifying children who would benefit from these technologies, clarifying teaching objectives and good practice, creating a learning environment, planning, delivering and recording sensory sessions.
    6. Including all pupils in class and group activities Using ICT to support inclusion in a class or group session, choosing suitable resources for each pupil, managing the session. This unit will focus particularly on literacy and numeracy.
    7. Accessing technology Access methods: hardware and software to support recording communication and access to a wider curriculum. Physical, sensory and cognitive access.
    8. The development of switching skills Being in control, joining in, toys and real things, curriculum activities, fostering access skills.
    9. ICT for young learners with a visual impairment Early learning activities, introducing technology, creating tactile, visual and auditory resources, basic system tools.
    10. ICT for visually impaired pupils Adapting the learning environment for pupils with visual impairment, adaptive technology for pupils with visual impairment, the use of screen-reading and magnification software to access and record learning, the visual medium, the auditory medium, the tactile medium, additional access devices.


    It is proposed that there are two one-week visits .. one in Nov 2000 and one in May 2001, provisional details are below:

  • 13th to 17th November 2000
    • Mon 13: 8:30 to 11:30 JCSRS (Roger&Melanie)
    • Mon 13: 12:30 to 2:30 facilitator at BHS (Roger)
    • Mon 13: 12:30 to 2:30 facilitator at KGV (Melanie)
    • Mon 13: 3:30 to 5:30 facilitators visit venue for Tuesday-setup
    • Tue 14: 8:30 - 4:30 All JCSRS and Unit staff (Resources and materials) ... venue: Mariners Club, 11 Middle Road, T.S.T., Kowloon
    • Wed 15: 8:30 to 4:30: JCSRS (Roger&Melanie)
    • Wednesday evening social with JCSRS (Roger&Melanie)
    • Thur 16: 8:30-11:30 one facilitator to Kowloon Junior (Rose St.) (Roger)
    • Thur 16: 8:30-11:30 One facilitator to KGV (Melanie)
    • Thur 16: 12:30-4:30 One facilitator to BHS (Roger)
    • Thur 16: 12:30-4:30 One facilitator to Bradbury (Melanie)
    • Thursday evening social with Bradbury (Melanie&Roger)
    • Fri 17: 8:30-4:30 : one facilitator at SIS (Roger)
    • Fri 17: 8:30-4:30 : one facilitator at KGV (Melanie)
    • Fri 17: 7:30 pm : meal CS/Liz M (Roger&Melanie)

  • Between Visits
    • While working on the units, each teacher will enjoy four levels of electronically delivered support - they will soon feel completely at home on-line.
      1. Web-based conferencing on any SEN/ICT topic with colleagues from across the UK.
      2. On-line versions of each unit with example materials and external links.
      3. Pro-active email support from your training consultant.
      4. Second line email support from the expert authoring team of each unit.

  • 28th May to 1st June 2001
    • Mon 28: JCSRS (Roger & Melanie)
    • Tue 29: JCSRS (Roger & Melanie)
    • Wed 30: Full day of presentations to staff members from JCSRS/KGV/SIS/BHS/KJS/Brad - venue is Tai Po at CSNSIE http://www.ied.edu.hk/csnsie for a map then click here (Word Document) .... note that if you are driving then let Chris Smith know your car registration by 21st May... parking is free for JA2592 / FM7920 / GM5940 / HX9617 / ET8062 / HV9146 /
      • 9:00 Intro/updates (Chris Smith)
      • 9:15 Session 1 Progress/UK Updates/New Developments/Hardware/Software from Melanie/Roger
      • 10:35 Coffee
      • 11:00 Session 2 Updates/Sharing from Schools with feedback from Roger/Melanie Schools arrange themselves (in advance) who is presenting/sharing of just some of their work/projects done over the last six months.
        • KJS (Colin alone) ... 5 mins
        • BHS 10 mins
        • Bradbury 10 mins
        • SIS 10 mins
        • KGV 10 mins
        • JCSRS 20 mins
        • General feedback
      • 12:15 Lunch
      • 1:30 Session 3 Presentation from CSNSIE staff on some of the projects that they are doing that may be of relevance to ESF staff
      • 2:30 Session 4 Continuation of topics in session one from Roger & Melanie plus looking at future support and developments
      • 3:40 Wind up ... certificates ... clarifying ... thanks
      • 4:00 Close
    • Thur 31: 8:30-4:30 Visit Bradbury (Melanie)
    • Thur 31: 8:30-11:30 Kowloon Junior (Roger)
    • Thur 31: 12:30-4:30 BHS (Roger)
    • Fri 1 June: 8:30-4:30 SIS (Roger)
    • Fri 1 June: 8:30-4:30 KGV (Melanie)


  • Low resolution photographs of this programme as it progresses can be seen at http://www.egroups.com/files/SENICTatESF/
  • If you would like high resolution copies of any individual images sent to you by email then contact Chris Smith saying exactly which picture you would like. The low resolution image versions can be taken straight from your webbrowser when viewing
  • These images are protected by copyright and may not be used for any commercial use without permission


  • First Visit
  • Friday 10th November 2000: depart Manchester 10:00a.m. CX 270
  • Saturday 11th Nov.: arrive in HKG 07:35
  • Sun 19th Nov.: depart HK 00:35 CX 271 (note actually late Sat night)
  • Sunday 19th Nov: arrive Manchester 07:50TBD
  • economy tickets booked 16-8-2000 through Jardine Travel Ltd (Hong Kong), tel: 28449554 fax: 28449757, contact Dixie Lee. Abacus ref: UTQXXH
  • return flights need to be reconfirmed in Hong Kong
  • CX= Cathay Pacific
  • Second Visit
  • Friday 25th May 2001: depart Manchester BA 1407 to LHR then BA 27 to HK
  • Saturday 26th May 2001 .: arrive in HKG 16:40
  • Friday 1st June : Melanie departs HK 23:45 BA 28(note actually late Fri. night)
  • Friday 8th June : Roger departs HK 23:45 BA 28 change at LHR
  • economy tickets booked 16-8-2000 through Jardine Travel Ltd (Hong Kong), tel: 28449554 fax: 28449757, contact Dixie Lee. Abacus ref: UTQXXH
  • CX= Cathay Pacific
  • BA= British Airways


  • a 'mailing list' (listserv) has been set up to help members of this course (and others who may be interested such as INSET co-ordinators) communicate using email.
  • to join the listserv just send an email to SENICTatESF-subscribe@egroups.com
  • any email message sent to SENICTatESF@egroups.com are then retransmitted to all members of the group (once approved by the moderator)


  • The following is for interest only
  • Costs for each week would be £5,500 (includes travel, accommodation and facilitators fees
  • Materials would cost £150 per person
  • Any supply cover should be provided by school allocations


  • staff would receive certificates following assessment on the second visit and would be able to access Inclusive Technolgy accreditation options.
  • final deadline for Inclusive Technology to receive evidence of modules being completed is 30th December 2001.
  • If they wish, teachers will be able to follow a path through the training that can lead to accreditation. By providing a portfolio of evidence, teachers will be able to earn up to ten CAT points. Accreditation will involve an additional cost, as it is not budgetted from ESF central funds. Manchester Metropolitan University will handle the accreditation process and supervise the quality assurance aspect of this training. Staff should contact Roger/Melanie directly if interested in doing this.



  • ROGER BATES (Information Director of Inclusive Technology)
  • As a teacher, Roger has worked in special schools including schools catering for learning difficulties, physical and sensory difficulties and behavioural difficulties.
    In 1986 he became manager of the Northern ACE Centre (Aids to Communication in Education), one of two national centres working to support and develop the use of IT to help learners with physical and communication difficulties.
    During his time at the Northern ACE Centre, Roger was responsible for developing numerous national and regional courses on the use of IT with pupils with communication difficulties. The Centre also played a key role in supporting teachers and schools in the development of their own assessment services by developing a set of training materials.

    As Information Director of SEMERC, Roger created the on-line SEN resource SENSOR for BT. Roger is responsible for the SEN articles on www.inclusive.co.uk This is the largest open access Special Needs/IT site in the world, which scores some 5,000 hits per day.
    Roger has also developed Inclusive Technology's consultancy service, which provides information and training for schools, local education authorities and ICT companies. As part of this consultancy work he wrote the current RM Special Needs Handbook.

[Roger Bates Pic]
  • MELANIE JONES (Inclusive Technology Advisory Teacher)
  • Melanie graduated from UMIST as a Metallurgist and completed a PGCE before going to teach Physics and Maths at a secondary school in Botswana in 1994.
  • On her return to the UK, she took up a post at Heronsbridge School in Bridgend, South Wales as a class teacher of children with severe and complex learning difficulties. In the role of Science and ICT coordinator at Key Stage 1 and 2, she quickly developed a strong interest in using IT to support communication.
  • In 1999 Melanie returned to England, to The Birches School in Manchester. As ICT coordinator, she was able to make a valuable contribution to the use of ICT within the school by providing staff training, developing a scheme of work and assessing children on use of switches and software.
[Melanie Jones Pic]

Chris Smith, Head of JCSRC & ICT Advisor
The English Schools Foundation
2A Tin Kwong Road, Homantin, Kowloon, HONG KONG
tel: (852) 2760 0441
fax: (852) 2760 0799

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If you have any queries about this page, please contact: Chris Smith

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