Association ICT Training Consortium
ICT Training
Programme for School Librarians
It should be noted that the quality assurance contacts described below
will be in addition to the normal management and administrative contacts with
participants and their organisations to deliver and administer the programme.
number of quality assurance activities will be undertaken by Information
Management Associates as an independent element within the programme but
drawing upon programme management data.
The Programme Director will be alerted to any significant problems or
difficulties that may be identified in delivery of the programme of study. IMA will:
monitor the audits of training needs and
systematically compare these with the contents of the programme of study.
[Programme of study currently in preparation]
ensure that questionnaires are issued to the
head or INSET manager of all participating schools at the commencement of the
programme to ascertain school needs and again at the conclusion of the
programme to find out the extent to which needs have been met. [See
annex A for commencement questionnaire; closure questionnaire not yet prepared]
conduct telephone interviews with an
appropriate representative in all contributing LEAs at the commencement of the
programme to ascertain their needs and again at the conclusion of the programme
to find out the extent to which needs have been met. [See annex B for
commencement interview schedule; closure interview schedule not yet prepared]
ask all participants to evaluate all
face-to-face training sessions by means of an event assessment
questionnaire. Questions will cover the
suitability and quality of the event content and coverage as well as the performance
of the trainers. Participants will be
encouraged to make specific suggestions for improving the training. [See
annex C for event assessment questionnaires]
ask participants to comment at the end of
the programme of study (through course assessment questionnaires) on the
suitability and quality of the programme content and coverage, including all
support and materials provided. [Programme of study and linked programme
assessment questionnaire in preparation]
conduct an annual impact study on a sample
of librarians, commencing in year 2, to assess how the programme of study has
affected the work of the school librarians involved. [Instruments not yet
observe a 5% sample of face-to-face training
elements of the programme to assess the quality of delivery. [We are currently considering two
approaches: using a modified version of the Flanders Interaction Analysis
Categories, or adopting a Critical Events approach as described in Wragg, E. C.
An introduction to classroom observation
Routledge 1994.]
monitor the discussion groups and on-line
tutorials on a sample basis to assess the quality of interactions. [Rating
scales are currently being prepared: these will be tested against early
interactions and modified as required.]
collect performance data on the ‘helpline’,
including the speed of response;
organise and run a minimum of three focus
groups per year for programme participants and (separately) for their managers
to glean views on the effectiveness of the programme of study. [These
will be structured events built around focused activities designed to gather
feedback at four levels. The preferred
model has not yet been chosen but is unlikely to be either Kirkpatrick’s
(reaction/learning/behavioural changes/organisational results) or Warr and
Bird’s (contextual evaluation/input evaluation/reaction evaluation/outcome
evaluation) model, both of which are very well established. For details see: KIRKPATRICK, D. L.
‘Evaluation of training’ in CRAIG, R. L. (ed) Training and development
handbook McGraw-Hill 1976; WARR, P. B., BIRD, M. and RACKHAM, N. The evaluation of management training
Gower 1970.]
make an ‘electronic complaint form’
available on the programme website to enable participants to communicate
significant problems to the Director and to IMA in their QA role. [See annex D]
make direct contact as appropriate with the
participant, Head or INSET Manager of any school reporting significant
difficulty in matching school needs to provision or expressing dissatisfaction
with the programme of study delivery or content to establish what has gone
prepare biannual reports for transmission by
the programme Director to the central quality assurance body.
In all cases IMA will analyse the results of QA activities and provide
timely reports to the Programme Director.
Where possible, all questionnaire surveys
will take advantage of e-mail links.
Questionnaires for programme participants will be lodged for completion
on the programme website. However,
‘traditional’ mail methods will be used at the follow-up stage to prompt a high
response rate.
FAO: Head or
INSET Manager Draft
Subject: ICT Training of your School Librarian [use local
[Name] has been accepted for ICT Training by the
Library Association ICT Training Consortium as part of the New Opportunities
The Expected Outcomes prescribed by the Teacher Training Agency cover five broad areas. Please indicate briefly what you want your Librarian to achieve in each of these areas as a result of participating in the training. Your comments will be used to review the training programme being offered and as a basis for assessing your satisfaction with the training at the end of the programme:
1 Using ICT to develop the role of the library within the school:
2 Supporting teachers to ensure effective training:
3 Ensuring the effective management of resources:
4 Supporting the development of pupils’ skills:
5 School librarians’ knowledge and understanding of, and competence with, ICT:
Thank you for responding. Please keep a copy of your reply and return this form to:
Task 1: Identify appropriate LEA representatives
2: Arrange telephone interview
3: Confirm interview by letter
Letter to LEA representative DRAFT 1
Dear [name]
Thank you for agreeing to talk to me about ICT Training of School Librarians in your Authority. I will telephone you, as agreed, on [date, time] We are interested in finding out your expectations and needs in relation to this training.
As you know, Expected Outcomes have been prescribed for the ICT Training of School Librarians, under five broad heading:
1 Using ICT to develop the role of the library within the school
2 Supporting teachers to ensure effective training
3 Ensuring the effective management of resources
4 Supporting the development of pupils’ skills
5 School librarians’ knowledge and understanding of, and competence with, ICT
We are interested in learning your expectations of the training programme in relation to each of these areas, as well as any other needs or concerns that you may have. Your comments about these will be used to review the training programme content as well as to assess your views at the end of the training programme.
With best wishes
Interview schedule
Check that still convenient to talk. If not, reschedule interview.
We are interested in your requirements for the ICT Training of School Librarians and any concerns that you may have. I would like to ask you about each of the Expected Outcomes as prescribed by the TTA.
1 What do you want your school to learn about using ICT to develop the role of the library within the school?
Prompts: supporting work of pupils/teachers
in library?
in developing pupils’ ICT skills?
of new initiatives?
and developing library ICT resources?
2 What about supporting teachers to ensure effective teaching?
Prompts: helping teachers review and gain access to
relevant resources?
helping teachers by developing
appropriate ICT use in the library?
copyright? Data protection?
3 What do you want school librarians to learn about ensuring the effective management of resources?
Prompts: software?
library management systems/
to make accessible?
using multimedia
in thelibrary?
health and safety?
4 What should they learn about supporting the development of pupil’s skills?
Prompts: Information handling skills relevant to
electronic environment?
ICT presentation
5 Are there any particular issues for you in school librarians’ understanding or competence with ICT?
What they need to do or
know for their work?
What they need to help
pupils with? Finding out?
What is available to help?
Where ICT can help them in
preparing and presenting information?
What the curriculum
ICT procedures, tools?
Reference sources?
Legislation: health and
safety, data protection, copyright, illegal material?
Ethical issues?
Professional aspects?
6 Do you have any other points or concerns about ICT training of school librarians?
7 What will tell you that the training has been successful?
This event assessment questionnaire is based on the ‘Programme reactionnaire’ offered by Leslie Ray in How to measure training effectiveness 3rd ed. Gower 1997.
For every item, place a ‘X’ in the scoring box that most closely represents how you feel about the programme as a whole. Please comment briefly on each item about your reasons for giving this score, particularly if your scorings are 3, 2 or 1.
6 5 4 3 2 1
Stimulating Ž Ž Ž Ž Ž Ž Boring
Please comment briefly why you have given this score
Useful for my work Ž Ž Ž Ž Ž Ž Useless
Please comment briefly why you have given this score
Relevant to my work Ž Ž Ž Ž Ž Ž Irrelevant
Good discussions Ž Ž Ž Ž Ž Ž Limited
Flexible Ž Ž Ž Ž Ž Ž Rigid
Please comment briefly why you have given this score
Well conducted Ž Ž Ž Ž Ž Ž Poorly
Please comment briefly why you have given this score
Demanding Ž Ž Ž Ž Ž Ž Undemanding
Challenging Ž Ž Ž Ž Ž Ž Patronising
Please comment briefly why you have given this score
Coherent Ž Ž Ž Ž Ž Ž Fragmented
Please comment briefly why you have given this score
My objectives achieved Ž Ž Ž Ž Ž Ž objectives
not achieved
Enough time spent ‘hands-on’ Ž Ž Ž Ž Ž Ž not enough
‘hands-on’ time
Please comment briefly why you have given this score
Good feedback from Ž Ž Ž Ž Ž Ž feedback from
trainers when ‘hands-on’ trainers when
Please comment briefly why you have given this score
What specific changes, if any, would you make to improve this workshop?
Name …………………………………………. Date ………………
1 Please describe the problem, difficulty or cause of complaint:
2 How did this problem arise? (what were you doing or trying to do at the time?)
3 What action, if any, have you taken to overcome this problem?
4 Did this improve the situation? If so, how?
5 If you would like a telephone response please give your day and evening numbers.
We will endeavour to respond to this message within 48 hours at most, unless the message is posted after 4 p.m. on Friday, in which case the reply may not be made until Monday.