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 ICT for Librarians: Module 4 - Subject Resources
This page outlines details regarding the individual modules.
This is aimed at supporting librarian members of the ICT programme

Page Updated 1st September 2001
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Module 4 Content

Venue (for full day session)


  • The is no parking at Stubbs Road ... sorry
  • There is nowhere close to go to lunch... so you'll need to bring something yourself, there is a kitchen with microwave.
  • Tea / Coffee available
  • Remember a sweater if you are cold.
  • if there is a typhoon signal No8 on the 7th (& schools closed) then we would still try and run the session on Saturday 8th if HK is open.
  • Bring your course folder


  • facilitators will be staying at the Wharney Hotel
  • 57-73 Lockhart Road, Wanchai
  • tel: 2861 1000 fax: 2865 6023
  • website http://wharney.gdhotels.net

Pre Module Task

None given but see those given in module 3

Dates / Times

  • 3rd to 9th September 2001
    • Mon 3rd: facilitators depart UK (Start of ESF Term) 22:20 Cathay Pacific
    • Tue 4th: arrive Hong Kong CX 17:05
    • Wed 5th: preparation
    • Thur 6th Sept 2001: visit school
      • Phil 9:00-11:30 - at Clearwater Bay Sch / Judith
      • Phil 1:00-3:30 - at JCSRC / Louise
      • Penny 9:00-11:30 - at Island School / Eva
      • Penny 1:00-3:30 - French International School / Sally
    • Fri 7th: 8:30am to 4:30pm course for all at ESF Foundation Office 43 Stubbs Rd, HK
      • Welcome and outline of the day
      • Experience of working with (subject) teachers: group activity
      • Curriculum Mapping
        • Mapping information skills and resources to the curriculum
      • Lesson Planning
        • Working with objectives: examples and discussion
      • Information Resources:
        • Web demonstration
        • Sharing resources: WebBoard
      • Lunch
      • Creating resources
      • Paper -Electronic -Web
      • Special Educational Needs
      • Resources and strategies: demo and discussion
      • Copyright
      • Issues and resources
      • Module 4: Action Plan
      • Plenary
    • Sat 8th: depart from Hong Kong at 23:20
    • Sun 9th: arrive back in UK


  • Phil Poole
  • 1992/3 Project Officer Design and Technology NCET
    1994 to 1996 Principal Lecturer-Technology (Managing IT in the Education Department)
    1996 to Present Manager of The TITLE Unit

    In association with NCET Philip was author and consultant to a computer-aided design package for schools called 'Manufacturing by Design'. This £5000000 project, sponsored by industry through the CBI, has already placed software and the curriculum materials in 2000 secondary schools across the UK. He continues to produce supported self study materials for teachers in the use of the CAD software and act as consultant to the project.

    Research with NCET devised an evaluation strategy to investigate the development of IT in Secondary schools. The Ed Tech School Project involved 20 Partnership Schools in an intensive programme of visits by a team of evaluators. The results of the research were published as 'Managing IT a planning tool for senior managers' in 1995.

    Philip has acted as a consultant to the :
    · NCET Future Curriculum Project.
    · NCET for Design and Technology.
    In his Faculty of Education management role Philip has responsibility for the ICT competence of 1500 students each year. He designed and institituted a programme of school based staff development in ICT which has provided over 150 teachers with extended training in ICT over the last three years.

[Phil Poole Pic]
  • Penny Simmonds (Mngr.Prof.Dev.Lib.Assoc.)
    Manager , Professional Development , Library Association Enterprises . Since February 1999 Project Leader of LAICT Consortium.
    From March 95 - Responsible for developing and maintaining a high quality continuing professional development programme of some 80 one and two day short courses per year; senior management seminars and executive briefings responding to the needs of the market place which involves strategic planning; financial planning ; trend analysis; developing added value services such as onsite training and managing a team to make this happen. Work closely with trainers, consultants key members of the profession to develop a range of courses, seminars, workshops and other training events. Income has increased by 54% since 1995 with attendance at events 6% up on this time last year. 70% of courses are 70 ? 100% full compared to 47% in 1995.
    1989-1994 THE LIBRARY ASSOCIATION, London
    Professional Officer: Continuing Education
    Assistant manager
    responsible for the planning, costing, developing, promotion and organisation of 50+ Continuing Professional Development events a year for personnel working in library and information services. Liaised with trainers to devise training and development programmes to suit the needs of members on a variety of management, personnel and related topics. Analysed management information to plan future programmes. Exploited courses and conferences software. Carried out a Training Needs Analysis of staff as part of the process for developing a training policy and plan. Negotiated the purchase of new training equipment including three state of the art computers for the training suite. Promoted Framework for Continuing Professional Development to members and employers, delivering relevant workshops.
[Penny Simmond's Pic]

Chris Smith, Head of JCSRC & ICT Advisor
The English Schools Foundation
2A Tin Kwong Road, Homantin, Kowloon, HONG KONG
tel: (852) 2760 0441
fax: (852) 2760 0799

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