Island School - ICT Assessors
· Meeting with SMT to establish school policy
· Departmental work
Ø Preparatory meeting
Ø Presentation of sample lessons
Ø Skills training
Ø Teaching with ICT
Ø Feedback and evaluation
Ø Production of teaching materials
· Assessment for assessors
· Assessment for year 1 trainees
· Departmental action with second phase departments
· Assessment for year 2 trainees
· Departmental action with third phase departments
· Assessment for year 3 trainees
Further assessment of earlier trainees
· Over the next three years it is expected that all ESF teachers will become capable of using ICT for personal administrative use and to make use of it in the classroom.
· In the UK scheme we will be using there are four levels of qualification. Entry Level and Subject-Specialist Level are the only ones that need concern the average teacher. Some may wish to go on to …… level.
· Teachers without this qualification may find it difficult to obtain jobs back in UK.
· It is necessary to develop a plan that will be of benefit to all teachers. It should:
Ø Be as unthreatening as possible.
Ø Demonstrate to teachers who are not using ICT that it can be of benefit to their teaching.
Ø Provide an opportunity for teachers who are using ICT to develop their skills.
Ø Produce a bank of teaching resources that can be drawn on and improved in the future.
· While all the ICT Assessors are registered and can qualify this year assessment of other staff will not start until September 2000.
· The scheme requires the complete support of the senior management if it is to be effective. Without this support the job of the ICT Assessor could be very difficult and stressful.
· SMT will need to make it clear that the scheme will benefit everyone and that taking part in it is compulsory.
· A policy for those approaching retirement who may not feel the need to go through the training should be agreed.
· School policy should be introduced that makes it essential for all staff to make use of ICT. E.g.
Set a deadline after which all reports
should be written using a computer.
(Initially this could just mean the use of a word processor but it is to be
hoped that eventually all staff will use the school’s Repwrite program. This will
force people to develop ICT skills and help standardise the presentation.)
Make more use of electronic
communication rather than paper. E.g.
Notices only to be accepted if e-mailed to Fatima.
Have a computer terminal in each classroom for accessing notices.
Ø Marks, exam results, etc. would have to be entered on a spreadsheet stored on the network.
· There would need to be a firm commitment to increasing resources to allow this to happen.
ü Put a school policy in writing.
ü Present the policy to all staff at a staff meeting.
ü Include the policy in the staff notes for guidance.
ü Produce a plan to increase the number of staff computers
ü Provide INSET to help staff make use of ICT for personal and administrative tasks.
· Materials and certification for the Support Assessors will be covered centrally for 1999 - 2000.
· Requests for funding 2000 - 2001 and 2001 – 2002 to be arranged.
· There may be a need for release and supply cover which will have to come from the school’s INSET budget.
· The ICT Assessors have agreed that the best way of introducing the scheme is through departments.
· We should start with departments that are already committed to the use of ICT.
· With ICT Assessors already in 5 departments it these would provide an obvious starting point. These are: Geography, Maths, CDT, Business Studies and IT.
q The meeting should come up with ideas for sample lessons for demonstrating the use of ICT to the department.
q A reasonable amount of time should be allowed for the production of support materials.
q The preparatory team should consist of:
§ The departmental ICT Assessor
§ A specialist IT ICT Assessor
§ A departmental representative
q The importance of producing good ideas and good, well-prepared lessons cannot be emphasised too much. Poor lesson preparation could result in putting people off.
ü Produce lesson plans and any other resources required for the lessons. Some may choose to teach and video the lesson.
ü Set a date for completion of this task
q A meeting should be arranged with the whole department for the presentation of the sample lessons.
q These could be presented on video or by viewing the lesson being taught live.
q Time should be spent evaluating the lessons.
q Each teacher should choose at least one lesson that they could use.
q Teachers should identify any skills they would need to develop in order to teach the lessons effectively. (skills check list)
q Deadlines should be set by which time staff should have taught the lesson.
ü Identify required skills.
ü Arrange INSET times for developing these skills.
ü Book computer rooms for each teacher.
ü Teach the lessons.
q IT staff should produce appropriate training materials to cater for the needs identified by the departmental staff.
ü IT staff to run training sessions.
q All teachers should deliver the lessons as agreed at earlier meeting.
q Where possible support should be provided by 6th formers and/or other teachers if required.
ü Arrange support.
ü Teach lessons.
q Once everyone has taught the lessons the department should meet to evaluate the lessons.
q The assessment criteria require staff to identify areas of the curriculum where ICT can be used. Staff should be allocated areas of the syllabus to look at.
ü Produce evaluation documentation to assist in the future development of the scheme.
ü Identify all areas of the curriculum where ICT could be used.
q Staff need to produce documentation of what they have done to fulfil the scheme’s requirements.
q All teachers should produce at least one lesson plan.
q All teaching materials produced should be stored centrally to be shared by other teachers.
q These materials will provide the basis for assessment in the future.
ü Produce lesson plans in electronic format.
ü Store on network for future use.
· By May 26th 2000 all IT assessors should have completed all the tasks to enable them to become subject specialists under the ICAA scheme.
· All should produce evidence of what they have done and submit it for assessment by this time.
· Funding will be covered centrally for 1999-2000.
ü Assessors to submit work for assessment.
· Staff should be registered for the scheme by September 2000.
· All work produced by teachers during the first year of the scheme should be submitted for assessment.
ü Teachers who have produced appropriate evidence of their ICT work should forward it to ICAA for assessment.
· ICT Assessors should identify which departments to train next.
· This would best be done on a voluntary basis.
· The training process should be carried out as described above, with changes made as a result of feedback from the first phase of training.
· New teachers in departments that have already been trained should be trained within their departments.
ü Identify departments for training.
ü Ensure new teachers in previously trained departments are included in the scheme.
ü Produce sample lessons, etc. as described above.
· Work produced during this year could be submitted directly for assessment.
· Previously trained staff who have reached Entry Level could submit further work for assessment at Subject Specialist Level.
· Work could be submitted by staff in other departments if they wished.
ü Submit further work for assessment.
· Any remaining departments that have not been trained should go through the same process as described above.
ü Work through training programme with remaining departments and any new staff in previously trained departments.
· Work produced by these departments should be submitted for assessment.
ü Submit work for assessment.
Further work by Entry Level staff
should be submitted for Subject Specialist Level assessment.
ü Submit work for further assessment.